2016 Joint Meeting Report
I want to thank the MLGSCA Awards Committee for selecting me for the Professional Development Award. It was used for the 2016 Joint Meeting at Stanford University. Many of you may know that I was the registration co-chair of the Joint Meeting along with Nita Mailander. I recommended using Wild Apricot for membership and conference […]
Submit your poster or paper abstract for Joint Meeting 2016!
The 2016 NCNMLG & MLGSCA Joint Chapter Meeting Planning Committee is soliciting submissions for contributed papers, lightening talks, and posters for the upcoming meeting “In Tune with the Future through Vision, Visibility and Partnership” at Stanford University, in Palo Alto, CA, January 20 – 23, 2016. You can find more specific information on the NCNMLG website: http://ncnmlg.mlanet.org/joint2016/details/papers-and-posters/. […]
Joint Meeting 2016 website live!
The 2016 Joint Meeting website is now live! Check back regularly for speakers and presenters, events, posters and papers, registration information and more!