Newsletter of the Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona

MLA 2015 Poster/Paper submissions due 11/3

Don’t spend Halloween crafting your MLA Paper & Poster abstract –do it now! MLA’s Research Section will award prizes for the best research-based papers and posters.  Please check your submission to ensure that you have selected the type of research that best represents your work. Deadline for abstract submission by authors is Monday, November 3rd […]

QuintEssential: Call for Posters

DEADLINE EXTENDED TO JULY 1, 2014 CALL for posters Event: Five-chapter “Quint Essential” meeting, Denver, CO, October 12-16, 2014 Date: Posters:  Tuesday, Oct. 14 Deadline: Proposals for posters must be submitted no later than July 1, 2014. Theme: Convergence and Collaboration. Plenary speakers will present on health disparities, native health, and big data. Proposals will […]

MLA 2012 Wrap-up: MLGSCA members present, receive awards

Contributed by MLGSCA President Becky Birr MLGSCA members were busy at MLA 2012 receiving awards and presenting papers and posters.  See the list of their work below. If we forgot your work or award, please email me or comment on this post so we can update the list. Congratulations to you all! MLA Awards Jacqueline […]

Virtual Poster 8: The Library’s changing role in the evidence-based medical curriculum.

Emily Brennan, MLIS, Information Services Librarian, Norris Medical Library, University of Southern California In order to keep up with a constantly evolving curricular focus on evidence-based medicine (EBM), the medical school library liaison has learned to adapt to new technology, teaching styles, and subject matter. Until recently, only year two students received librarian-led EBM […]

Virtual Poster 7: Nourishing the Garden for evidence based health care: initial steps in establishing a clinical librarian program at a comprehensive cancer center

Janet Crum, Director, Library Services, Laura Brown, Clinical Librarian, City of Hope BACKGROUND City of Hope includes both a medical center, with acute and ambulatory care, and a research institute focused on basic biosciences research. The Lee Graff Medical & Scientific Library serves the entire institution but until recently had devoted a majority […]

Virtual Poster 6: The role of librarians in obtaining magnet status

Adele Dobry, MLIS, UCLA Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library ANCC (American Nurses Credentialing Center) Magnet Recognition is a top honor which recognizes a hospital’s nursing excellence. Several of the fourteen “Forces of Magnetism” which characterize a Magnet hospital, are directly influenced by a librarian’s involvement. Forces in which librarians actively participate will be discussed. […]

Virtual Poster 5: opportunities for hospital librarians in the era of genomic medicine: helping clinicians implement new approaches to patient care.

Kathryn J. Elliott, M.S., Graduate Student, MLIS Program, San Jose State University PURPOSE To evaluate ways in which hospital librarians can help clinicians keep up with the rapid growth of genetic information and incorporate it into patient care as clinicians enter the era of genomic medicine. SETTING Hospital medical libraries DESCRIPTION The fast-growing field […]

Virtual Poster 4: Evidence-Based Practice at the bedside: The librarian’s role in promoting EBP Mobile apps.

Lisa Federer, MLIS, Health and Life Sciences Librarian, UCLA Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library As mobile devices become increasingly ubiquitous and new apps are developed to support evidence-based practice, smart phones and tablets have begun to make their way into clinical settings. Though much of the health-related research on mobile devices has focused on […]

Virtual Poster 3: Librarians Collaborating with Faculty to Develop and Deliver an Evidence-Based eye care course

Ruth Harris, MLIS, Instruction and Education Coordinator, Frances Chu, MSN, MLIS Rudy Barreras Harriet K. & Philip Pumerantz Library, Western University of Health Sciences Librarians at the Harriet K. & Philip Pumerantz Library at Western University of Health Sciences worked with the Dean of the College of Optometry to develop and teach a course […]

Virtual Poster 2: X-Linked Agammaglobulinemia Marks The Spot: Rare Diseases in Evidence-Based Practice

Lori Tagawa, Community Outreach Coordinator, National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Pacific Southwest Region Evidence-based practice is “the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients” (Sackett 1996). Under normal circumstances, evidence-based practice can be easily utilized. However, difficulties arise when seeking best practice […]

Virtual Poster 1: Librarian Involvement in Evidence-Based Practice among Clinical Nurses

Mary A. Wickline, MLIS, M.Ed., Instruction and Outreach Librarian, UC San Diego Biomedical Library INTRODUCTION Librarian activities with nurses are based on a research-based needs assessment of nurses’ barriers to evidence-based practice. The poster will describe a few interventions that followed including the librarian’s outreach to the Education, Development, and Research (EDR) department; active […]

Call for Virtual Posters at MLGSCA Symposium

MLGSCA is soliciting submissions for a contributed poster session at the 2012 Symposium, “Information Treasure Hunt: Supporting Evidence-Based Practice @ Your Institution.” Posters will be presented virtually as the Symposium will be a full day. You do not need to attend the Symposium in order to present a poster. We strongly encourage you to share […]

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