Calling All Tweeters!
Do you tweet on Twitter? If you do have a Twitter account, please consider following @MLGSCA. We are seeking to connect our medical library community for sharing cool tools, memes and anecdotes. Follow you back!
Best Bytes: QR Codes
A QR Code is a two-dimensional barcode which can be encoded with a URL, word text, phone number, SMS/text, or other data. If you see one, open your phone’s barcode app, point your camera to the QR code, and wait for the info to appear. Creating a QR code is easy and free! Go to […]
Best Bytes: Diigo – Research, Bookmark, Share, Collaborate
Submitted by Emily Brennan, USC Diigo is a social bookmarking website which allows users to bookmark and organize webpages, screenshots, pictures and documents. Users can then highlight and annotate any part of that page. These pages (with highlights and annotations) can be kept private, shared with a Diigo group, or forwarded as a link. You […]
Best Bytes: NextGen Save and Read Later Tools
Submitted by Amy Chatfield, USC Save and Read Later tools have been around for some time. You might be familiar with Delicious (formerly del.ici.ous): save bookmarks into a central site, then access your account and your bookmarks from any computer. After signing up for Digg, “dig” a web page, news story, or video online by clicking the […]
Save the Date: MLA Webcast Wed. Nov. 10th
MLA’s Educational Webcast: ABCs of E-books: Strategies for the Medical Library Wednesday, November 10, 2010, 11:00a.m., Pacific Time / 12 noon Arizona Time Goal The goal of this webcast is to familiarize information professionals with electronic books and the associated collection management issues related to various platforms, pricing models, licensing agreements, term of ownership, resource […]
JM2010: Invited Speaker: David Rothman, “A Refreshing Take on Technology Trends”
By Marsha Kmec, Director of Library Services, Olive View/UCLA Medical Center Invited Speaker: David Rothman, Information Services Specialist, Community General Hospital Medical Library, Syracuse, NY, “A Refreshing Take on Technology Trends” Everything old is new again. Well, that adage really doesn’t apply when we listen to what David Rothman had to say during the Joint […]
JM2010 Contributed Poster: First Steps Toward Rejuvenation of the Wilson Dental Library Website: Information Gathering Using a Survey and Usability Studies
By Joe Pozdol, USC Norris Medical Library Contributed Poster: First steps toward rejuvenation of the Wilson Dental Library website: Information gathering using a survey and usability studies. Annie Hughes, MSLS Wilson Dental Library/The University of Southern California School of Dentistry. In her well-organized poster on website redesign, Hughes articulates the process she used to evaluate […]
JM2010 Contributed Paper: No Urban Amish Here (2nd review)
Posted by Carol Ann Attwood, MLIS, Patient Health & Education Library, Mayo Clinic Arizona No Urban Amish Here: Social Networking at UCLA Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library, Authors: Paul Camp, Office Coordinator of Public Services; Amy Chatfield, Instruction Coordinator; Tania Bardyn, Associate Director for Public Services, UCLA Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library, UCLA Library, Los […]
JM2010 Contributed Paper: No Urban Amish Here: Social Networking at UCLA Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library
Posted by Evonda Copeland, Supervisor of Library Services, Scottsdale Healthcare, Scottsdale, AZ Like me, you might be wondering what “urban Amish” means, and whether or not you are one. To be clear – urban Amish is an endearing term referring to people who do not use tech gadgets and mobile devices (no Facebook page, no […]