Bioinformatics and Libraries webinar
Be sure to sign up for the September Midday at the Oasis on Bioinformatics and Libraries! Please note that it is at 2 pm instead of the usual 1 pm, so all other times are an hour off as well. When: Wednesday, September 17, 2014 2-3PM (Pacific) | 11AM-Noon (Hawaii) | 2-3PM (Arizona) | 10-11AM […]
MLA ’10: Visit MIS at the Section Shuffle
By Jeanette de Richemond, MLA MIS Membership Chair MLA’s annual meeting gives MLA members and affiliated professionals a chance to share ideas, hear from experts, see the latest products, and network! Connect with MLA’s twenty-three sections at the Section Shuffle on Thursday, May 25 from 5-6pm. All MLA members are welcome; no advance signup required. […]