Best Bytes: Automate your online life (and maybe your research) with IFTTT
Contributed by Janet A. Crum, Director, Library Services, City of Hope Have you ever wished that you could make one online system talk to another? Wouldn’t it be great if the pictures you posted to Facebook automatically appeared in Flickr? If someone’s tweets could be saved automatically in a Google document? Or wouldn’t it be […]
Best Bytes – PDF Converters
Contributed by Andrea Harrow, MLS, Medical Librarian/CME & IRB Coordinator, Good Samaritan Hospital, Los Angeles Many of you savvy librarians are probably already using a PDF converter. Just in case you are not, I wanted to share this recommendation with you. Rather than cutting and pasting information into a Word doc, I convert text into […]
Best Bytes: Security and antivirus software
Contributed by Amy Chatfield, Information Services Librarian, Norris Medical Library, University of Southern California You get a strange email from a friend asking you to view an attachment. Intrigued, you download the file, only to find out it’s a text file with no information in it. You realize you’ve fallen for a spam email and […]
Best Bytes: Hacking the MLA Conference
Submitted by Janet Crum, Director of Library Services, City of Hope I just got back from the Medical Library Association conference in Seattle, the land of rain, coffee, rain, grunge rock, rain, Jimi Hendrix, and rain (sorry; I used to live in Seattle, and I am incapable of mentioning the Emerald City without making at […]
Best Bytes:
Contributed by Catherine Madsen, MLIS graduate, UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies is a web app for consumers, currently in beta. It is designed to cull millions of medical research studies primarily from Medline and other professionally vetted sources, making them more easily accessible, thus empowering consumers with the medical information they […]
Best Bytes: Virtual Posters
Contributed by Amy Chatfield, MLS, Norris Medical Library, University of Southern California The Virtual Posters from the MLGSCA 2012 Symposium are now available online. You might be wondering why virtual posters were added to the Symposium, and how the posters were created. Keep reading this Best Bytes to learn more! Over the past few years, […]
Best Bytes takes a vacation
Everyone needs a break, and MLGSCA’s Best Bytes column will be on hiatus in February 2012. The column will return in March 2012 with news and tips on technologies. Contact the blog committee chair, Amy Chatfield, if you’d like to contribute to Best Bytes.
Best Bytes: University of Pittsburgh’s HealthCAS program
Contributed by Meredith Bloom, MLIS, student in the University of Pittsburgh’s HealthCAS program I am a student in the Certificate of Advanced Study program in Health Sciences Librarianship at the University of Pittsburgh, also known as the HealthCAS program. Perhaps some of you have heard of this program but didn’t know exactly what it was. […]
Best Bytes: Accessing PubMed on the Go
Contributed by Lisa Federer, Health and Life Sciences Librarian, Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library, UCLA As much as we’d love to see our patrons in the library every day, the reality is that we as 21st century librarians often provide services to patrons we may never actually meet in person. Whether it’s a busy clinician […]
Contributed by Kathy Spicer, currently a graduate student in library science at the University of Arizona, and formerly an instructor and instructional designer. Writer and educator Parker Palmer writes that “Good teaching cannot be reduced to technique. Good teaching comes from the identity and integrity of the teacher.” As you design your online instruction, remember […]
Best Bytes: Video Chat: Tango and Google+ Hangouts
Contributed by Robert Johnson, Clinical Services Librarian, Norris Medical Library, University of Southern California Video chat is not only a fun way to keep up with distant friends, it can be a good way to connect with colleagues. Telemedicine, mobile American Sign Language, and guest lecturing from a distant location are all important uses of […]
Best Bytes: MedlinePlus Enhancements
Submitted by Kathleen Shepler, Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center I’m guessing that many who provide reference services to patients, their families or the public have found NLM’s MedlinePlus an invaluable resource. Let’s take a look at some MedlinePlus enhancements that you and your colleagues may find useful and another that might prove profitable if implemented […]
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