Best Bytes: Keeping Up With Technology
Submitted by Janet Crum, Director of Library Services, City of Hope We all know we need to keep up with changing technology, but that’s easier said than done. Back in March (when I thought this column would be due in April), I asked my colleagues on the MLGSCA email list to share the sites they […]
Best Bytes: Tumblr: Out of Many One
By Kelly Battese, Arizona State University Libraries Do you have a hard time keeping track of your many social networking accounts and their passwords? Twitter, Facebook, LiveJournal, Myspace, YouTube: each serves their own purpose and fulfills different social and information needs. However, Tumblr can enhance or replace them all. Tumblr is a free micro-blogging service […]
Best Bytes: Collaboration tools to get the best from everyone
Submitted by Amy Chatfield, University of Southern California Coordinating schedules has never been harder, but collaboration is required in our jobs and our professional relationships, and sometimes just for fun. These free online tools make it easier to work with people across town or across time zones and gather, collate, and […]
Best Bytes: Using Instapaper with the Kindle
Submitted by Nancy Stimson, University of California San Diego Kindle owners are a loyal bunch who often prefer reading everything they can on the Kindle. Those of you who are Kindlephiles may be glad to learn that in addition to books, magazines and newspapers, you can also read saved web content on […]
Best Bytes: 3 Cool Gadgets
Submitted by April Frost Here are some websites and apps that may be helpful for you, students, medical personnel, and even patients. New Students: Trust It or Trash It? This is a very basic tool to help new researchers determine if the information they are reviewing is credible or not. It offers checklists on the […]
Best Bytes: QR Codes
A QR Code is a two-dimensional barcode which can be encoded with a URL, word text, phone number, SMS/text, or other data. If you see one, open your phone’s barcode app, point your camera to the QR code, and wait for the info to appear. Creating a QR code is easy and free! Go to […]
Best Bytes: SAP 2.0 PowerPoint Tools Using Twitter !
Submitted by Leslee Shell, Health Sciences Librarian, ASU at the Downtown Phoenix campus Want to make your PowerPoint presentations more dynamic and interactive? A few weeks ago I saw a demonstration of a tool that allows audience members, students, or session participants to post messages to an interactive slide during a PowerPoint presentation. It’s SAP […]
Best Bytes: Diigo – Research, Bookmark, Share, Collaborate
Submitted by Emily Brennan, USC Diigo is a social bookmarking website which allows users to bookmark and organize webpages, screenshots, pictures and documents. Users can then highlight and annotate any part of that page. These pages (with highlights and annotations) can be kept private, shared with a Diigo group, or forwarded as a link. You […]
Best Bytes: Maximize Your Effective Uses of Blogs
Submitted by Jacque Doyle If you are reading this, you have found your way into MLGSCA’s new website, MLGSCA Link, which is “way” more than a website. The Link has been created so that you will be able to not only read and learn about the organization, but also contribute to it in real time! […]
Best Bytes: TripIt – Organize your business and personal travel
Submitted by Janet Crum, Director of Library Services, City of Hope Whether you travel for business, pleasure, or both, you know that organizing the information you need for a trip can be a challenge. Until recently, whenever I traveled, I printed out a stack of documents: flight itinerary, shuttle or rental car reservations, hotel confirmation, […]
Best Bytes: NextGen Save and Read Later Tools
Submitted by Amy Chatfield, USC Save and Read Later tools have been around for some time. You might be familiar with Delicious (formerly del.ici.ous): save bookmarks into a central site, then access your account and your bookmarks from any computer. After signing up for Digg, “dig” a web page, news story, or video online by clicking the […]
Best Bytes: Google Docs
Submitted by April Frost Google Docs is just one of the many, free web-based collaborative tools available from Google. This tool can be accessed from any computer with a browser, internet access, and a Google (Gmail) account, which is also free. No software downloads are required to use this tool. Google Docs is the “document processing” […]
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