Newsletter of the Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona

Spring 2009 EBM CE Taught By One of Our Own!

By Lisa Marks Stephen Clancy, Reference Librarian at UC Irvine Science Library and MLGSCA member, created and taught the Spring CE course titled: “Point of Care EBM: Bedside Information Tools for Healthcare Practitioners”. The course was attended by 14 people in Arizona at the University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona Health Science Library on April 13, […]

Remembering Our Colleague, Paula Romeyn

By Judy Kraemer Paula Romeyn, MLIS, lost her fight with liver cancer on July 1. Paula graduated from SJSU at CSJF with her MLIS in December 2005. During her graduate studies she interned and volunteered time at Cedars Sinai, Kaiser Drug Information Services, and Long Beach Memorial Medical Center (LBMMC). Paula was destined to become […]

President’s Column – Message from Outgoing President

By Deborah Klein As I write this column, my last as 2008-09 President, summer has definitely arrived.  The weather has turned really hot (and smoggy, in the Inland Empire at least).  Like many of you, I am in the middle of travels, having just returned from several days in the mountains, then a few more […]

Newsletter Transitioning from Print to Electronic

The beloved MLGSCA printed newsletter is transitioning to an electronic newsletter, aka blog. The July newsletter will be the last printed one.  Selected July newsletter content will also be posted  to the blog. Although the format of the newsletter is changing, the content will remain the same. However, rather than content being distributed every quarter, […]

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