MLGSCA now has a Facebook page!
Check out the brand new MLGSCA Facebook page! Please leave a comment here or a wall post there to let us know what you would like to see on the page and the kinds of status updates you’d like to receive.
Help an ILI Student!
In Spring 2011, Joan Kaplowitz, Ph.D., MLIS, UCLA Librarian Emerita, will be teaching SLIS 5960 “Information Needs and User Education” at Cal. State Northridge for the distance education program sponsored by the University of North Texas. The course, which is based on the Information Literacy Instruction course that she has offered at UCLA for over […]
Nursing Grey Literature
Submitted by Kathleen Carlson Someone recently asked the following question on the MLA Nursing and Allied Health Research Section (NAHRS) about the best way to find grey (unpublished) literature in nursing. Several people gave valuable information so I thought I would summarize for MLGSCA members who may be interested in this subject matter. Also a […]
CABL (Central Arizona Biomedical Libraries) elects new President and Secretary
Submitted by Kathleen Carlson Nita Mailander, Director of Library Services at Grand Canyon University is the new CABL (Central Arizona Biomedical Libraries) President-elect and program chair for 2011. April Aguinaga, librarian at Maricopa Integrated Health System Health Sciences Library, was re-elected as CABL secretary. Both of them join Bryan Nugent, 2011 CABL President; Linda Feck, CABL Treasurer, […]
Best Bytes: Maximize Your Effective Uses of Blogs
Submitted by Jacque Doyle If you are reading this, you have found your way into MLGSCA’s new website, MLGSCA Link, which is “way” more than a website. The Link has been created so that you will be able to not only read and learn about the organization, but also contribute to it in real time! […]