Study: Many Top Docs Have Conflicts
By Janet Moore, Minneapolis Star and Tribune Last update: March 29, 2011 – 8:36 PM A study of nearly 500 individuals who helped craft treatment guidelines for heart conditions found that more than half reported financial conflicts of interest involving drug companies and medical technology firms. The most common conflict involved doctors serving as paid […]
MLGSCA Election Results, 2011
Congratulations and thanks to our recently elected illustrious leaders:
Disaster Information Outreach Symposium
The Disaster Information Outreach Symposium is March 29 and 30. This FREE event for and about information professionals meeting disaster health information needs will be video cast and the recording will be archived for later viewing. More information is available here . Under “Agenda,” you will find the schedule for the day’s sessions, with the […]
Japan Disaster Outreach Information
The National Library of Medicine has resources that may help with understanding the health issues related to the devastating Japan earthquake, tsunami and possible nuclear power plant disruptions. Resources from NLM, US federal agencies, and other key resources are listed on the new topic page “Disasters in Japan 2011.” TSUNAMIS, EARTHQUAKES: For earthquake information for […]
Publisher Limits Shelf Life for Library E-Books
By Julie Bosman for Raymond McCrea Jones in The New York Times Published: March 14, 2011 Imagine the perfect library book. Its pages don’t tear. Its spine is unbreakable. It can be checked out from home. And it can never get lost. The value of this magically convenient library book — otherwise known as an […]
NLM Activates Emergency Access Initiative
The National Library of Medicine announces the activation of the Emergency Access Initiative in support of medical efforts in Japan following the devastating earthquake and tsunami. The Emergency Access Initiative is a collaborative partnership between NLM and participating publishers to provide free access to full-text articles from over 230 biomedical serial titles and over 65 […]
The Demise of the Big Deal in Scholarly Publishing?
Claudio Aspesi — an analyst based at the sell-side research firm Sanford Bernstein — predicts a difficult future for Reed Elsevier, particularly for its scholarly journal business. He also predicts the demise of the Big Deal, the business model in which scholarly publishers sell access to multiple journals by means of a single electronic subscription. […]
Don’t Forget to Vote for 2011 MLGSCA Officers.
The MLGSCA Election for 2011 is now open and you’ll have 2 weeks to cast your vote. You must be a current MLGSCA member to vote. The election will close on Tuesday, March 22nd and results will be announced at the Spring Business Meeting which will be held after the Spring CE on April 8th.
The Welch Library: Moving Online
Two excellent videos re the medical library of the future – thanks, Kathy Zeblisky for the nudge to these!
Hot Off the Press
Doyle, J. D. and Wellik, K. E. (2011). Topics in Management. In M. M. Bandy & R. F. Dudden (Eds.), Medical Library Association Guide to Managing Health Care Libraries . New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc. Watch the video !
2011 Spring CE: Registration is Now Open
Gaining Leadership Skills without Formally Supervising People Presented by: Natalie Reed Friday, April 8, 2011 Please click on this link for program specifics and to register. Click on the various tabs for details and costs. RSVP by : Wednesday, April 06, 2011
President’s column
By Eileen Wakiji, 2010-11 MLGSCA President The 2011 Joint Meeting and Update! I was pleased to see the number of MLGSCA members at the 2011 Joint Meeting, February 23 to 26th, in San Francisco. NCNMLG members, however, outnumbered MLGSCA members but that is to be expected since NCNMLG hosted the meeting. For those MLGSCA members […]
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