Newsletter of the Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona

Join your Medical Library Association (MLA) colleagues and register for One Health, May 3–8, 2013, in Boston, MA!

Expand your professional network at this unique international meeting, with presenters from more than 30 countries expected. In addition to the conversations you’ll have with your worldwide colleagues, expect fresh ideas from keynote speaker Richard Besser, ABC News senior health and medical editor. One Health will feature more papers and poster presentations than any previous […]

Job Opportunity: Cancer Information Librarian, UNC

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Health Sciences Library (HSL) seeks an innovative, collaborative, and service-oriented individual to join the User Services Department as the Cancer Information Librarian. The individual in this position is charged with participating in fulfilling the Library’s mission to connect people everywhere with knowledge to help them teach and […]

Nominating Committee Seeks Candidates

The MLGSCA Nominating Committee is looking for eligible candidates for the 2013 election. Although we have ideas about candidates, we would like to hear from you – either through self-nomination or sharing a member’s name for possible inclusion on the upcoming ballot. While being an MLGSCA officer may seem overwhelming at times, I can speak […]

Upcoming Class – Supporting Open Access: Librarians as advocates, researchers, educators and role models

“Supporting Open Access: Librarians as advocates, researchers, educators and role models” is a class that Lauren Maggio from Stanford will be teaching in three locations in our Region this year. Class Description As stewards of knowledge, librarians have an instrumental role to play in supporting open access (OA) initiatives, such as the NIH Public Access […]

Seeking Nominations for Louise Darling Award

On behalf of the Awards Committee, please consider making a nomination. Purpose of Award The purpose of the Louise Darling MLGSCA Achievement Award is to honor significant contributions to health sciences librarianship, as well as to the Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona. Criteria for Award Candidate’s contribution is significant towards the advancement […]

2013 MLGSCA Membership Renewal Now Open

The 2013 MLGSCA membership renewal registration is now open!  You will find the online registration form to renew membership at Please follow the detailed instructions using the online system and completely fill-in all required fields.  Also note, if paying by check please complete the entire registration form online and then print-out the confirmation page […]

Seeking Nominations for Richards Prize

The Collection Development Section is seeking nominations for the Daniel T. Richards Prize for writing related to collecting in the health sciences. The Richards Prize will be presented to an individual who created a work in any format related to collecting in the health sciences. This work must be widely accessible to the library community […]

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