Newsletter of the Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona

2013 Louise Darling MLGSCA Achievement Award Recipient

Congratulations to Lisa Marks on receiving the Louise Darling MLGSCA Achievement Award at our 2013 Spring Meeting.  Her energy and drive has allowed her to accomplish so much for our profession.  She works at Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center in Burbank CA.  Lisa has held many roles in MLGSCA.  She has been our Treasurer, Professional […]

Joint Meeting Countdown – Lucky #7

The MLGSCA/NCNMLG Joint Meeting 2013 will be held at the University of California, San Diego, July 24-26, 2013. We’ll count down the top 10 reasons to visit La Jolla (and points nearby) over the next five weeks to get you excited about the Joint Meeting! Paper and poster proposals are due March 31st, 2013. Check […]

MLGSCA Professional Development Award

Each year, MLGSCA provides monetary assistance to members who are looking to update their skills, add new skills to their repertoire or perhaps develop leadership skills.  This year, the Awards Committee is pleased to announce that three of our four Professional Development Awards were given out.  Congratulations to Danielle Linden ($500), Lisa Marks ($500) and […]

Joint Meeting Countdown – #8: The Cuteness Factor

The MLGSCA/NCNMLG Joint Meeting 2013 will be held at the University of California, San Diego, July 24-26, 2013. We’ll count down the top 10 reasons to visit La Jolla (and points nearby) over the next five weeks to get you excited about the Joint Meeting! Paper and poster proposals are due March 31st, 2013. Check […]

New to MLGSCA – Virginia Pannabecker

   Here’s your opportunity to get to know more about one of our newer members.  Don’t miss Virginia’s invitation at the bottom.  What was your background before becoming a medical librarian? My experience in academic libraries began in 1995.  I’ve worked in Access Services, Technical Services, Reference/Research Services, Instruction, Liaison work, Collection Management, and Supervision.  My subject […]

10 Reasons to visit La Jolla (and points nearby)

The MLGSCA/NCNMLG Joint Meeting 2013 will be held at the University of California, San Diego, July 24-26, 2013. We’ll count down the top 10 reasons to visit La Jolla (and points nearby) over the next five weeks to get you excited about the Joint Meeting! Paper and poster proposals are due March 31st, 2013. Check […]

MLGSCA 2013 Election Slate

We have a slate of nominees for the 2013 elections.  A ballot will be sent to members soon from Ballot Bin, our online election tool. In addition to the slate below, Lisa Marks was proposed and accepted by the Advisory Council as the MLGSCA Nominee to the MLA Nominating Committee. Thank you, The MLGSCA 2013 […]

Science Boot Camp for Librarians

Science Boot Camp for Librarians (West) is coming to the University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado June 19-21, 2013. Plan to attend the inaugural Science Boot Camp for Librarians (West) in beautiful Boulder Colorado! Science Boot Camps for Librarians are immersive 2 1/2 day events featuring educational presentations delivered by scientists. Based on the successful annual […]

Awards Committee Announces 2013 MLGSCA Scholarship Awardee

Lee Luniewski is the recipient of the 2013 MLGSCA Scholarship. Upon entering the SLIS program at San Jose State University I was a lost soul and had no real clue on where I would end up following graduation. During my two years in the program, I had the opportunity to volunteer at a public library, […]

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