NN/LM ends support for Internet Explorer 8
For people with older technology infrastructure, it is worth noting that NN/LM no longer supports Internet Explorer 8. More details can be found here: http://nnlm.gov/psr/newsbits/2014/08/29/nnlm-ending-support-for-internet-explorer-8/
Murray Gottlieb Prize: Submit Now
The Murray Gottlieb Prize is awarded annually by the Medical Library Association for the best unpublished scholarly paper about a topic in the history of the health sciences. The purpose of the prize is to recognize and stimulate interest in the history of the health sciences. The author of the winning essay receives complimentary registration […]
Come for the CE, Stay for the Meeting!
Quint Early Bird Registration ends Sept 14! The 2014 Quint Chapter MLA Meeting in Denver Colorado is offering some terrific continuing education! We find that many of our CE offerings still have space and would like to invite your members to consider joining us. Denver is a hub airport with many connections and our conference […]
AAAS Meeting Sponsorship
The American Association for the Advancement of Science publications division is again sponsoring registration (full-funding of the registration fee) for 30 librarians. This is a great opportunity to hear from science researchers, administrators, journalists and writers, and to be immersed in a scientific conference of the highest quality. The conference will take place in San […]
Bioinformatics and Libraries webinar
Be sure to sign up for the September Midday at the Oasis on Bioinformatics and Libraries! Please note that it is at 2 pm instead of the usual 1 pm, so all other times are an hour off as well. When: Wednesday, September 17, 2014 2-3PM (Pacific) | 11AM-Noon (Hawaii) | 2-3PM (Arizona) | 10-11AM […]
Nominations for Louise Darling Medal
Please consider nominating a colleague for the Louise Darling Medal for Distinguished Achievement in Collection Development in the Health Sciences! The Louise Darling Medal is presented annually to recognize distinguished achievement in collection development in the health sciences. The award was established in 1987 and first awarded in 1988, with a contribution by Ballen Booksellers […]
Writing a review article? Ask a librarian.
Need help proving your usefulness to researchers and medical faculty? A recent article in JAMA by University of Utah librarian Melissa L. Rethlefsen and two medical collaborators highlights the benefits of using a librarian to improve review articles by creating a more robust, reproducible, and unbiased search process. Read the full article here and comment below.
8 Job Postings: University of Arizona
The University of Arizona Libraries are announcing eight job openings, including three at the Arizona Health Sciences Library. Librarian who serves as liaison to the College of Nursing, provides leadership in planning, coordination, delivery, promotion and assessment of library and information services for faculty and students. Librarian or other qualified individual who provides leadership in planning, […]
Evidence-Based Medicine to Evidence-Based Librarianship
The Ohio State University Health Sciences Library, with generous support from the Barbara Van Brimmer Academic Awards Endowment, will be hosting the two-day workshop, Evidence-Based Medicine to Evidence-Based Librarianship, providing up to 12 hours of MLA contact hours on September 30 and October 1 at the Fawcett Center on the campus of Ohio State University. […]
Head of Serials/Electronic Resources (Jackson, MS)
Rowland Medical Library at the University of Mississippi Medical Center seeks a Head of Serials/Electronic Resources Division, at the Assistant or Associate Professor level. Rowland Library serves the schools of medicine, dentistry, nursing, health related professions, pharmacy and graduate studies in the health sciences. The team member in this position: Provides leadership including reviewing current […]
Ida and George Eliot Prize nominations open
Help recognize MLA’s talented writer(s)! Take a moment and nominate a colleague (or yourself!) for the Ida and George Eliot Prize. Presented annually, the Ida and George Eliot Prize is given for a work published in the preceding calendar year that has been judged most effective in furthering medical librarianship. The recipient receives a certificate […]