Run for MLGSCA Office!
Dear MLGSCA Members, The Nominating Committee is tasked with finding eligible candidates for the upcoming 2019 election. We have identified a few candidates; however, we would like to hear from you by either self-nomination (perfectly acceptable – in fact highly encouraged!) or sharing a colleague’s name for possible inclusion on the upcoming ballot. We are […]
New Member Publications
Congratulations to Past President Caroline Marshall on being a co-author of two recently published articles: Marshall C, Fields B, Sarsozo L. Rethinking the Patient Education Council Format to Increase Efficiency. Journal of Consumer Health online. 2019 Ansyran L, RN,MSN,CNS, Marshall C, MLS, AHIP, Aronow HU, PhD, Chan A, MN, RN, CNS, CCRN, Coleman B, […]