JM2010 Contributed Paper: Rejuvenating the Library’s Role in the Medical Curriculum
Posted on February 1, 2010 by kcarlson | 1 Comment
By Rikke Ogawa, MLS, AHIP, Research, Instruction & Collection Services Emergent Technologies Coordinator UCLA Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library.
Emily Brennan presented a practical approach to refining the USC Norris Medical Library’s in-curriculum medical educational experiences through student focus groups. The goals of the project were to improve library instruction and assignments as well as learn where the library is needed in the curriculum. Focus groups were solicited through campus listservs. Three groups were conducted with 8 students per group broken down by medical school years, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3/4. Incentives for participation included lunch at the Faculty Center and a 2GB flash drive.
Emily’s talk focused on the focus group activities from the first year group. An outline for the focus group session included discussion of library instruction in orientation, the library literature searching project, Norris’s personal librarian program, and the Library Web site.
Feedback from the focus group session led to changing assignment topics, shortening assignment deadlines, incorporating a second platform to teach Medline searching skills and providing direct links from the student web portal to library resources. Parts of the Norris web site were also significantly revised to enhance access to frequently used resources in the first two year of medical education.
Posted 2/2/10
One Response to “JM2010 Contributed Paper: Rejuvenating the Library’s Role in the Medical Curriculum”
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April 23rd, 2010 @ 3:22 pm
Check out this paper’s slides at: