JM2010: Hollywood Librarian
Posted on February 4, 2010 by ebrennan | No Comments
By Marsha Kmec, Director of Library Services, Olive View/UCLA Medical Center
Seidl’s vision plus an excellent dinner made for a wonderful evening. This librarian was immensely entertained, intrigued, educated, and adored the presentation of “The Hollywood Librarian”. The interviews with various librarians (including our own Chris Ewing) were extremely interesting and the passion shared by the librarians towards their profession was heartwarming and justified my career choice. And then of course my favorite movie, “It’s A Wonderful Life” was brought to our attention.
All movie snippets that mentioned libraries or librarians or eluded to them were edited to be included in Seidl’s production; very cute! Thank you to the Joint Meeting Planning Committee, 2010. The evening was a relaxing one and the movie truly served us well.
Posted 2/4/10
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