Newsletter of the Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona

JM2010: Contributed Paper: Engaging Users with Powerful Visuals on the Cheap!

Posted on March 5, 2010 by ebrennan | 1 Comment

By Carol Ann Attwood, MLS, AHIP, MPH, RN, Consumer Patient and Health Education Library, Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, Arizona

Engaging Users with Powerful Visuals – on the Cheap!

Kelli Ham, Consumer Health Coordinator, NN/LM Pacific Southwest Region, UCLA Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library, Los Angeles, CA.

Ms. Ham noted that most medical librarians are involved in some way with teaching differing groups of users, and that graphic images implanted in a presentation can heighten interest, promote communication and enhance understanding.

Several software programs were displayed including free resources like Picasa® (free photo editing) to change size, orientation, brightness of photos, Snag It® (improved screen print capture with the ability to right size the screen print and the ability to capture the scrolling of a website), and video tutorials software (Jing®) which assists with the creation of  video tutorials. Jing can be used to see a screen action, while simultaneously hearing voice instruction and can be shared by email, or embedded in a blog or website.

For further information, check out these books:

Also, the NIH has an image library that is free and can be utilized to add anatomic illustrations to presentations.


One Response to “JM2010: Contributed Paper: Engaging Users with Powerful Visuals on the Cheap!”

  1. Andrea Lynch
    April 23rd, 2010 @ 3:05 pm

    Check out the slides (with the Kelli’s speaker notes) at:

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