JM2010 CE: Locating Cancer Information for Your Clinicians and Patients
Posted on March 5, 2010 by ebrennan | No Comments
By Carol Ann Attwood, MLS, AHIP, MPH, RN, Consumer Patient and Health Education Library, Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, AZ.
Information on searching for cancer related information was interwoven by a research medical librarian and a consumer health librarian to offer participants many academic as well as consumer resources specific to cancer related issues.
For PubMed cancer related issues, consider using the “cancer” limit, and set up filters, subsets, and pre publication options. Using DynaMed can also find information using ICD 9 coding for specific cancers.
LabTests Online has specific information on cancer related lab tests, for questions consumers can ask their health care providers, and for the drug development and approval process. For National Cancer Institute statistics, check SEER databases ( for incidence, prevalence, and survival rates of specific cancer types.
For a complete listing of cancer related sites, check out the MLA09 cancer wiki.
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