Newsletter of the Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona

MLGSCA Membership: 7 Reasons to Renew!

Posted on March 5, 2010 by ebrennan | No Comments

By Danielle Linden, 2009-10 MLGSCA Membership Chair and the 2009-10 MLGSCA Membership Committee

The 2009-10 MLGSCA Membership Committee would like to extend a big “THANK YOU” to all of you who have renewed your MLGSCA membership for 2010.

For those of you who have not yet renewed, we would like to take a moment of your time to remind you of the many benefits to MLGSCA membership.

1.  Keep your knowledge current and relevant with professional development opportunities each Spring and Fall; members generally pay $35 for Continuing Education classes and that includes lunch!

2.  Communicate with your peers via the MLGSCA Discussion List; announce job vacancies, further your research projects, or tap into the group’s vast knowledge with our valuable email listserv.

3.  Maintain an awareness of issues that are important to Health Sciences Librarians in our area; the MLGSCA Link, official newsletter of MLGSCA, is now available in blog format! Feel free to submit an article or comment on a colleague’s posting.

4.  MLGSCA maintains a password protected membership directory available to all MLGSCA members.

5.  Participate in a group of active Health Sciences librarians; MLGSCA membership offers several opportunities to network with peers and exchange ideas and information.

6.  Low cost; renewing members pay only $35.00, retired members pay only $12.50, and student membership (currently enrolled in Library School) is free!

7.  Vote in the upcoming election of officers for next year! The ballot is now ready in Survey Monkey and the link will be emailed to all current members between March 22 and 24. If you have not renewed by March 17 you will not be able to vote.

Remember, MLGSCA membership is based on the calendar year. Renew your membership now to maintain all of your MLGSCA benefits (including listserv messages and inclusion in the revised 2010 directory) throughout 2010.

Renew your membership via Acteva on the “Renew your Membership” section on MLGSCA’s homepage. For more information, see the blog post Renew Your 2010 MLGSCA Membership.

Posted 3/5/10


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