MLGSCA Officers for 2010-11
Posted on April 15, 2010 by ebrennan | No Comments
By Deborah Klein on behalf of Nominating Committee
The election results are in! The MLGSCA Officers for 2010-11 are:
President-Elect: Becky Birr
Secretary: Emily Brennan
Nominating Committee: Carol Ann Attwood and Brooke Billman
Our other officers for 2010-11 were elected last year for two-year terms. They are:
Incoming President: Eileen Wakiji
Treasurer: Molly Harrington
Nominating Committee members: Laura Brown and Kathleen Carlson
Also, per the Bylaws, the Advisory Council has chosen Mike Kronenfeld as the MLGSCA nominee for the MLA Nominating Committee.
Thanks to ALL the candidates who agreed to run for office! Thanks to the (current) Nominating Committee – Laura Brown, Kathleen Carlson, Alan Carr, and Irene Lovas – for recruiting a terrific slate and to Laura in particular for formatting the ballot! And thanks to all everyone who voted!
Thanks to the (current) Nominating Committee (Laura Brown, Kathleen Carlson, Alan Carr, and Irene Lovas) for recruiting a terrific slate and to Laura in particular for formatting the ballots.
Thanks to Danielle Linden and Andrea Harrow for cleaning up the listserv addresses and then keeping them up-to-the-minute correct so that exactly the right folks were able to vote!
And thanks to the 124 MLGSCA members who cast their ballots!
Posted 4/15/10
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