Save the Date: MLA Webcast Wed. Nov. 10th
Posted on September 27, 2010 by kcarlson | No Comments
MLA’s Educational Webcast:
ABCs of E-books: Strategies for the Medical Library
Wednesday, November 10, 2010, 11:00a.m., Pacific Time / 12 noon Arizona Time
The goal of this webcast is to familiarize information professionals with electronic books and the associated collection management issues related to various platforms, pricing models, licensing agreements, term of ownership, resource management and access methods so that they have the knowledge to make informed decisions which will best serve their constituents.
Program Objectives
• provide an overview of electronic books management in the health sciences library environment,
• highlight considerations to be made in the purchase of e-books, such as choosing a platform; individual titles versus packages; licensing issues; pricing models; terms of ownership; and site license versus concurrent users, and
• offer a discussion of related management issues for e-book collections, such as cataloging, providing subject lists and title lists, offering federated searching, and collecting usage statistics.
NN/LM PSR will publicize a list of regional viewing sites in upcoming weeks, and will circulate the DVD following the webcast. If you are unable to attend or sign up for the webcast, you can request a loan from our lending website once the DVD is available.
Posted 9/27/10
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