President’s Column: Hard to Believe
Posted on June 30, 2011 by Amy Chatfield | No Comments
By Eileen Wakiji, MLGSCA President 2010-2011
It was almost twelve months ago that I was pondering what to write about for The Link as my MLGSCA President term started. Need I say “My, how time flies.”
At the recent June 3rd Advisory Council (AC) Transition Meeting, many items were discussed but of particular interest to the membership is the possibility of a symposium in 2012 and a different venue and time for the 2013 Joint Meeting. Since there will not be a Joint Meeting due to MLA 2012 in Seattle, the AC agreed that a symposium could serve as a replacement for both the Joint Meeting and Spring Continuing Education (CE) in 2012. The hosting of the next Joint Meeting falls on MLGSCA as NCNMLG was responsible for the 2011 Joint Meeting. Unfortunately, the last two Joint Meetings have been a financial burden for both MLGSCA and NCNMLG. Future Joint Meetings, as well as any CE, need to be cost recovery programs and MLGSCA is going to investigate a new look for the Joint Meeting. Watch for news on The Link and the MLGSCA mailing list as more details are worked out for the 2012 Symposium and the 2013 Joint Meeting.
It is exciting to be able to highlight a number of achievements for MLGSCA this year.
CE/Programs: The CE/Program Committee pulled off two successful, cost recovery CEs: Getting Magnetized: Search and Service Strategies for Nursing Excellence and Gaining Leadership Skills without Formally Supervising People. My hat is off to Chair Becky Birr and Co-Chair Lisa Marks and the Committee for this accomplishment.
New Registration Company: MLGSCA’s meeting and membership registration changed from Acteva to Cvent. The membership probably does not see much difference but those AC members working with Cvent have seen an improvement in customer service and quicker access to our money. As President, I would like to extend my accolades to my fellow Ad-hoc Committee members (Ellen Aaronson, Kathleen Carlson, Deborah Klein, Danielle Linden, Lisa Marks) for presenting the AC with a thorough report to make the decision for a new registration company.
Financial Review: The AC agreed that it was time for our finances to be reviewed by our Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Heidi White of Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co., LLP. The Review Report indicates that MLGSCA is in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States and that the Statement of Activities for the year ended June 30, 2010 showed an increase in our net assets. I want to acknowledge Finance Committee Co-Chairs, Ellen Aaronson and Deborah Klein, Internal Auditor, Alan Carr, and Treasurer, Molly Harrington for working with and providing all the needed information to the CPA.
Chapter Project of the Year Award: I was delighted to represent MLGSCA as President and accept the 2011 Major/MLA Chapter Project of the Year Award, Using MLA’s MegaMeeting for MLGSCA’s 2010 Spring CE and Business Meeting, at MLA 2011 in Minneapolis. Lisa Marks and I co-authored the application that described the contribution made to the health sciences profession and to our members by MLGSCA’s special project. Congratulations MLGSCA!
I would also like to thank and recognize the 2010-11 Officers and Committee Chairs, as well as others who have contributed to keep MLGSCA vital:
President-Elect: Rebecca (Becky) Birr
Past President: Lisa Marks
Secretary: Emily Brennan
Treasurer: Molly Harrington
MLA Chapter Council Representative: Andrea Lynch
MLA Chapter Council Representative-Alternate: Danielle Linden
Awards: Laura Stubblefield
Blog (Newletter): Kathleen Carlson, Chair and Emily Brennan, Co-Chair
CE/Program: Becky Birr, Chair and Lisa Marks Co-Chair
Connections: Andrea Harrow
Electronic Information Resources (EIRC): Paul Bielman
Exchange: Evonda Copeland
Finance: Ellen Aaronson and Deborah Klein, Co-Chairs
Government Relations/By-Laws: Mary White
Membership: Danielle Linden
Nominating: Lisa Marks, Chair, and elected Committee: Carol Attwood, Laura Brown, Brooke Billman, and Kathleen Carlson
Professional Issues: Irene Lovas
Public Relations: Robert (Bob) Johnson
Research: Zoe Pettway Unno
Web: Andrea Lynch
Archivist: Marsha Kmec
NN/LM PSR Representative: Irene Lovas
MLGSCA Mailbox: Steve Clancy [for more than 15 years]
Internal Auditor: Alan Carr [since 2006]
Good luck to Becky Birr as she takes over as 2011-12 MLGSCA President!
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