Newsletter of the Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona

Minutes – 4/18/12 MLGSCA business meeting

Posted on May 8, 2012 by Janet Crum | 4 Comments

Update: it looks like IE users are having trouble downloading the minutes from WordPress, so I’m going to paste them into this post.  Sorry for the hassle, IE users.

I just finished the minutes of our 4/18 business meeting (Word doc available here).  If you attended the meeting, please take a look and let me know if you have any corrections.  If you missed the meeting, please take a look to see what you missed.

Here they are:


MLGSCA Business Meeting, Wednesday, April 18, 2012, 2:30-3:30 PM

In Attendance

Fortis College, Phoenix, AZ: April Aguiñaga, Rebecca Birr, Kathleen Carlson, Sue Espe, April Frost, Molly Harrington, Sheila Hofstetter, Monica Johnson, Nita Mailander, Cinda McClain, Amy Nadell, Bryan Nugent, Virginia Pannabecker, Deb Schneider, Susan Shelly, Nancy Showalter, Francine Tanori-Pote, Janene Wandersee, Kathy Zeblisky

Kaiser Permanente Medical Offices – Independence Park, Downey, CA: Judy Kraemer, Zoe Pettway Uno, Mary White

Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA: Laura Brown , Janet Crum

UCLA Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library, Los Angeles, CA: Paul Camp, Alan Carr, Judy Consales, Kay Deeney, Adele Dobry, Lisa Federer, Darlene Parker Kelly, Stephen Kiyoi, Julie Kwan, DeDe Leshy, Irene Lovas, Rikke Ogawa, Sherrill Olson, Xiuling Qing, Kathy Russell, Lori Tagawa,

USC Norris Medical Library, Los Angeles, CA: Emily Brennan, Amy Chatfield, Pam Corley, Marcia Henry, Robert Johnson, Lisa Marks, Jessica Shultz, Eileen Wakiji.

Individuals (via MegaMeeting): Brooke Billman, Nancy Crossfield, Mary Riordan, Laura Stubblefield, Mary White

Documents Distributed for Meeting

Birr distributed the following documents via email to the MLGSCA list on 4/16/12:

  • Minutes of the 9/30/11 business meeting
  • Minutes of the 4/8/11 business meeting
  • MLGSCA Location of Assets, 3rd Quarter FY11-12, March 21, 2012
  • Suggested revisions to MLGSCA bylaws
  • MLGSCA Treasurer’s Report, 2nd Quarter, October-December 2011
  • Agenda for this meeting

Call to Order, Welcome & Introductions

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 2:34 PM by MLGSCA President Rebecca Birr. Many connection problems ensued; the meeting resumed at 2:45 PM.

Approval of Minutes, 4/8/11: Correction – under CE Program – paid registrants, 8 should be Burbank.  Phoenix listed twice.  Birr will send correction to Crum.  Zeblisky moved to approve.  Carlson seconded.  None opposed.  Motion carried.

Approval of Minutes, 9/30/11: Ogawa moved to approve.  Chatfield seconded.  None opposed.  Motion carried.


No announcements.

President’s Update (Rebecca Birr)

Award Presentations

  • Student Scholarship: Jessica Shultz awarded $1000.  In MLIS program at SJSU and works part-time at a health sciences library.  Birr and the group congratulated Jessica, and Emily Brennan presented the check.
  • MLGSCA Louise Darling Achievement Award: Birr read nomination letter for this year’s winner [ask Becky to provide text of letter for minutes], Julie Kwan, UCLA.  Alan Carr presented a plaque, check, and bouquet of flowers to Kwan.


MLGSCA symposium, Information Treasure Hunt: Supporting Evidence-Based Practice at Your Institution was held on March 2 with presenter Connie Schardt.  Birr indicated MLGSCA’s gratitude for the RML’s sponsorship of the event and thanked the program planning committee, chaired by Lisa Marks.  Marks said that 54 people attended, and the evaluations were very positive.

Joint Meeting 2013

The 2013 Joint Meeting is tentatively set for the University of California – San Diego for the end of July.  Chairs for the Joint Meeting are Robert Johnson, Danielle Linden, and Nita Mailander.  Birr asked anyone who is interested in volunteering for one of the planning committees to contact the chairs.  Announcements will be coming soon on the MLGSCA blog and listserv.

Quad Meeting 2014

We were approached by South Central and Midcontinental chapters to do a joint meeting with them.  We invited NCNMLG to join the conversation.  Both advisory councils (MLGSCA and NCNMLG) think this quad meeting would be a great opportunity.  The meeting is tentatively scheduled for October 2014 in Denver.  More details to come.  Birr asked anyone interested in volunteering to help with the meeting to contact her.

Officer, Committee & Other Reports

Treasurer (Elisa Cortez)

Birr reported that the Treasurer’s Report was distributed on the listserv.  No questions were asked.

MLA Chapter Council Rep (Andrea Lynch)

No report.

Awards (Laura Stubblefield)

Stubblefield congratulated the MLGSCA awardees and reported that nominations are due July 1 for the the MLGSCA Outstanding Health Sciences Library Paraprofessional Award.  She thanked her committee members, Dede Leshy, Steve Clancy, Carol Attwood, Lisa Marks, Yamila El-Khayat, Russell Smith, and Billie White, for their great work this year.

Blog (Amy Chatfield)

No report

CE/Program (Emily Brennan)

Brennan reported that there were 40 total registrants for the MLA Webcast: 33 MLGSCA members, 5 non-members, and 2 students.

Connections (Andrea Harrow)

No report.

Electronic Information Resources (EIRC) (Paul Bielman)

No report.

Finance (Ellen Aaronson & Deborah Klein)

No report.

Government Relations/By-Laws (Mary White)

White reported that AC did a significant review of the MLGSCA bylaws, and the revised version has been reviewed and approved by MLA.  The main changes are: wording was updated, electronic voting added, and references to coupon manager program deleted.  Also, the description of the Archivist role will be removed from the Bylaws and added to the Advisory Committee Manual, where it can be updated by the AC rather than the entire chapter. Emily Brennan moved to approve bylaws.  Cinda McClain seconded.  None opposed.  Motion carried. Birr thanked White for her dedication to this project.

Membership (Janene Wandersee)

As of 4/6, we had 174 members.  A few more registered since then.

Nominating (Eileen Wakiji)

Wakiji reported the results of the recent MLGSCA election: Mary White is president-elect.  April Aguiñaga is secretary. Alan Carr is Chapter Council Representative.  Kathleen Carlson is Chapter Council Alternate.  Kay Deeney and Janet Crum will join the Nominating Committee.  Judy Consales is the MLGSCA candidate for the MLA Nominating Committee.  Birr congratulated the candidates.

Professional Issues (Lisa Marks)

Marks thanked Crum for mentoring a member relocating from the UK to Southern California.  She thanked Wandersee for sending a list of people who are interested in mentoring or being mentored.

Public Relations (Robert Johnson)

Johnson reported that his co-volunteers left the group after the last meeting, so there has been no progress on finding out what other chapters do for PR.  He hasn’t recruited any new vendors to advertise on the blog.  Vendors are more interested in having one on one conversations with us, e.g. at conferences.  Vendors have national and local budgets, so we wouldn’t be competing with MLA for vendors.

Research (Zoe Pettway Unno)

No report.

Web (Jin Wu/Andrea Lynch)

No report.

Archivist (Birr for Marsha Kmec)

Marsha has a UCLA student scanning materials for the archives.

NN/LM PSR Rep (Irene Lovas)

No report.

Internal Auditor (Alan Carr)

No report.

MLA Credentialing Committee Liaison – AHIP (Kathy Zeblisky)

Zeblisky reported that the Credentialing Committee is considering a motion to remove the requirement for AHIP candidates to be working in the health sciences, because some members, due to the economy, may not be working in the field currently.  She will know more after MLA.

New Business

Birr thanked the site coordinators for hosting the MLA webcast.


Nita Mailander moved to adjourn, seconded by Molly Harrington.  The meeting was adjourned at 3:10 PM.


Respectfully submitted,

Janet Crum

MLGSCA Secretary



4 Responses to “Minutes – 4/18/12 MLGSCA business meeting”

  1. Helen Seaton
    May 8th, 2012 @ 4:20 pm

    Where are the minutes? I keep clicking on Minutes but it just takes me back to the home page such as Recent Posts, Blogroll, etc.

  2. Jcrum
    May 8th, 2012 @ 4:40 pm

    That’s very strange. Try clicking on the link (“minutes of our 4/18 business meeting”). That worked for me.

  3. Jcrum
    May 8th, 2012 @ 4:42 pm

    Never mind – I just reworded the first sentence to make the link more clear. Please let me know if you still have trouble accessing the minutes.

  4. April Aguinaga
    May 8th, 2012 @ 4:51 pm

    Hi there, It makes me open a zip file but I can’t read any of the files as they appear to be XML. Maybe it is my IE which is IE 8. Thanks

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