About our Colleagues (The Return)
Posted on June 15, 2012 by Amy Chatfield | 1 Comment
This post is an attempt to revive the MLGSCA print newsletter’s About Our Colleagues column. Should The Link continue to publish this on a regular schedule? Please leave comments on this post with your opinion for our incoming 2012-2013 blog committee!
Diana Almador-Douglas, MA(LIS), Library Specialist and former intern at the Arizona Health Sciences Library (AHSL) has been accepted as a 2012-2013 National Library of Medicine Associate Fellow. Diana will be moving to the DC area and starting her fellowship later this summer.
Meredith Bloom has joined UCLA, as a Health and Life Sciences Librarian in the Research, Instruction, and Collection Services Division at the UCLA Biomedical Library.
In September 2012, Laura Brown was hired as City of Hope’s first Clinical Librarian. See the Graff Library’s blog for more information on Laura’s background and interests.
Nicole Capadarest, MA(LIS), started work as the Emerging Technologies Librarian in August at Arizona Health Sciences Library, Tucson. Nicole was previously a liaison to the College of Medicine at the AHSL.
Kathleen Carlson joined the University of Arizona College Of Medicine (UACoM) – Phoenix as an Education/Associate Librarian. Prior to the UACoM-Phoenix position, Kathleen was the Health Sciences Librarian at Arizona State University, downtown Phoenix campus, for five years and worked as a hospital librarian at John C. Lincoln Hospital-North Mountain in Phoenix.
Alan Carr was named Acting Associate Director for the NN/LM Pacific Southwest Region, effective May 1, 2012. At the same time, former Associate Director Julie Kwan assumed the position of Associate Director of the UCLA Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library and the Science and Engineering Library.
Janet Crum from City of Hope’s Graff Library is incoming chair of the MLA Cancer Librarians Section.
Jacque Doyle, MLS, FMLA, currently at Arizona Health Sciences Library, Phoenix received the Marsha C. Noyes Award at the MLA Awards Luncheon at the Annual Meeting in Seattle. The Noyes Award is the association’s highest honor and “recognizes a career which has resulted in lasting, outstanding contributions to health sciences librarianship.”
Monica Garcia is the newest Health and Life Sciences Librarian in the Research, Instruction, and Collection Services Division at the UCLA Biomedical Library. She is the liaison to the Fielding School of Public Health and the School of Nursing.
Vicki Harden, MLIS, AHIP, Medical Research Librarian at Milliman Care Guidelines LLC, finished the provisional membership and achieved Senior AHIP accreditation in March 2012.
Following the retirement of Marsha Kmec, Library Director at UCLA/Olive View Medical Center Library, in December, 2011, Irene Lovas was named to the position on a half-time basis in March, 2012. Irene was previously the Senior Medical Librarian at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Library, until her retirement on March 9, 2012.
Judy Kraemer, MLIS, MBA, and Director of Health Sciences & Parks Medical Libraries, Long Beach Memorial / Miller Children’s Hospital Long Beach, was a panelist at the MLA 2012 Open Forum “Game Changing Resumes, Cover Letters and Interviews.” She was appointed to the position of MLA Joint Commission Liaison by the Medical Library Association Board.
Annabelle Nunez, Information Services Librarian and AHSL Liaison to the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health at Arizona Health Sciences Library, Tucson, has been named a “Rising Star” by the Medical Library Association. Ms. Nunez will work with Nancy J. Allee, from the University of Michigan, chair of the Leadership and Management Section on the section’s New Members/Emerging Leaders Survey Project.
As incoming chair of the Medical Library Association Awards Committee, Mary Riordan (Arizona Health Sciences Library, Tucson) will be a mentor to MLA “Rising Star” Rolando Garcia-Milian from the University of Florida HSC Library. Rolando will be working with the Awards Committee to increase the number of nominations for MLA awards.
Ahlam Saleh, M.D., M.L.S. joined the library faculty at Arizona Health Sciences Library, Tucson beginning on June 25 as College of Medicine Liaison Librarian with special responsibility for Interprofessional Education and Practice. Ahlam was previously at the Health Sciences Library Systems at the University of Pittsburgh.
Virginia Sanchez is performing cataloging for a non-profit, NAPAFASA, in historic Little Tokyo, Los Angeles. NAPAFASA has a huge backlog of cataloging, and Virginia would love some motivated assistants, and is willing to set this up as an internship/practicum. What an opportunity for those interested in health sciences!
Kathy Zeblisky, MLS, AHIP, at Phoenix Children’s Hospital, was honored with the “Outpatient Support Staff Person of the Year” Award by the 2012 Graduating Class of the Phoenix Children’s Hospital/Maricopa Medical Center Pediatric Residency Program on June 2, 2012.
Laura Brown and Janet Crum (both from City of Hope) submitted a virtual poster for the Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona (MLGSCA) 2012 Symposium, “Information Treasure Hunt: Supporting Evidence-Based Practice @ Your Institution.” Called “Nourishing the Garden for Evidence-Based Health Care: Initial Steps in Establishing a Clinical Librarian Program at a Comprehensive Cancer Center,” the poster documents the founding of the City of Hope Clinical Librarian Program in 2011. The poster, along with others from the Symposium, are available on the MLGSCA blog.
Amy Chatfield, information services librarian at the University of Southern California’s Norris Medical Library, and faculty at USC’s School of Pharmacy co-authored “Information Intervention in the Pharmaceutical Sciences” in Medical Reference Services Quarterly’s spring 2012 issue, volume 31, issue 2, pages 188-201.
Janet Crum from City of Hope published an article in the October issue of the Journal of the Medical Library Association, “An availability study of electronic articles in an academic health sciences library.” The full text is available in PubMed Central.
Kathy Elliott presented a virtual poster, “Opportunities for Hospital Librarians in the Era of Genomic Medicine: Helping Clinicians Implement New Approaches to Patient Care,” at the MLGSCA Symposium in March 2012. Kathy also completed her MLIS degree at San Jose State University in May 2012.
Nancy Crossfield of Saint Agnes Medical Center’s Owen Medical Library in Fresno gave an invited talk in May to the San Joaquin chapter of the crime-writers’ group Sisters in Crime. She introduced them to special libraries, medical Internet sites (basics, disasters, drugs, lab tests, free apps), forensic blogs, resources such as the web site Blood at the Source, and cool stuff we take for granted – photo atlases (rattlesnake bites in color), surgical atlases, and instrument set-up guides (great for unusual wounds patterns!).
Andrea Lynch’s video, “Collaborations and partnerships: We accomplish much more when we work together,” was accepted for inclusion in a program at the MLA Annual Conference entitled, “Smells Like Team Spirit: Partnerships to Move Your Library Forward.” If you missed this at MLA, you can view the video freely online at YouTube! Andrea is a librarian at the Graff Library, City of Hope.
The Arizona Health Sciences Library, Phoenix will move into a new building in July 2012. The Library will occupy two floors of a new Health Sciences Education Building at the University of Arizona. View photos of the almost-completed library space and visit their new building in the fall.
One Response to “About our Colleagues (The Return)”
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June 18th, 2012 @ 12:22 pm
Yes, let’s keep About Our Colleagues as a regular or quarterly column. How else would I have learned of my local colleague Kathy Zeblisky’s recent recognition by the residents she serves?