Newsletter of the Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona

President’s Column

Posted on June 26, 2012 by Amy Chatfield | 1 Comment

Contributed by outgoing MLGSCA President Becky Birr

Thank you all for giving me the opportunity to serve as your President.  It’s a pleasure to be a part of such a great organization. I thought I would give a little reflection on some of our major accomplishments this past year.

MLA asked chapters to review their bylaws and make them more general. At the April Business Meeting, we passed the revisions giving us a more general set of bylaws that can move us into the future. We were commended by MLA for completing this effort in timely manner.

We offered great continuing education classes. In the fall, we had MLA President Jerry Perry present his class entitled, “The Librarian as a Professional, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Complexity.” In the spring, the PSRML sponsored the MLGSCA symposium “Information Treasure Hunt: Supporting Evidence-Based Practice @ Your Institution” taught by Connie Schardt. Also in the spring we took advantage of the MLA webcast “Leveraging Mobile Technologies for Health Sciences Libraries.”

MegaMeeting was once again used for the Fall CE class and the Business Meetings. It allows us to bring members together to be updated on the organization despite our large geographic area.

Perhaps the biggest decisions this past year surround the Joint Meeting. We have decided to give the 2013 meeting a new look by going to the University of California at San Diego’s Price Center. The meeting co-chairs are Danielle Linden, Nita Mailander, and Robert Johnson and the meeting will be held between July 24-27, 2013.  In addition, the South Central and Midcontinental Chapters approached MLGSCA and NCNMLG about a joint meeting. This will be excellent opportunity for us to learn from other chapters and network with our colleagues. The Quad meeting will be in October 2014 in Denver, CO.

I would also like to thank and recognize the 2011-2012 MGLSCA Officers and Committee Chairs, who work hard to keep MLGSCA going:

President-Elect: Emily Brennan
Past President: Eileen Wakiji
Secretary: Janet Crum
Treasurer: Elisa Cortes
MLA Chapter Council Representative: Andrea Lynch
MLA Chapter Council Representative-Alternate: Danielle Linden
Awards: Laura Stubblefield
Blog (Newsletter): Amy Chatfield
CE/Program: Emily Brennan
Connections: Andrea Harrow
Electronic Information Resources (EIRC): Paul Bielman
Exchange: Evonda Copeland
Finance: Ellen Aaronson and Deborah Klein, Co-Chairs
Government Relations/By-Laws: Mary White
Membership: Janene Wandersee
Nominating: Eileen Wakiji, Chair, and elected Committee: Carol Attwood, Brooke Billman, Molly Harrington, and Andrea Harrow
Professional Issues: Lisa Marks
Public Relations: Robert (Bob) Johnson
Research: Zoe Pettway Unno
Web: Jin Wu and Andrea Lynch, Co-Chairs
Archivist: Marsha Kmec
NN/LM PSR Representative: Irene Lovas
MLGSCA Mailbox: Steve Clancy
Internal Auditor: Alan Carr
MLA Credentialing Committee Liaison: Kathy Zeblisky

Good luck to Emily Brennan as she takes over as 2012-13 MLGSCA President!

Note: when this post was originally posted, the chair of the Professional Issues Committee was misstated. The blog committee apologizes to Ms. Marks for the oversight.


One Response to “President’s Column”

  1. Emily Brennan
    June 29th, 2012 @ 5:48 pm

    Becky, you have been a wonderful mentor and leader, so thank YOU!

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