Chapter Council Presents Sharing Roundtables
Posted on November 13, 2012 by Lisa Federer | No Comments
Submitted by Becky McKay and Tim Mason, Cochairs, Chapter Council Roundtables Committee
Please plan on attending the Chapter Council Presents Sharing Roundtables at MLA ’13 in Boston, MA on Sunday, May 19, from noon-1:30 for lunch and informal discussions!
Attendees must register for a topic as part of their MLA ’13 registrations. No onsite registration is available. Tickets are $42 and include a plated lunch with a salad, entrée, and dessert (indicate dietary restrictions on your registration form).
MLA offers one free lunch ticket per topic to new members (MLA member for five years or less) that register for the meeting via the online registration system. Tickets are paid through Chapter donations and MLA and are available on a first come, first served basis. See the preliminary program for details on how to register for a free lunch ticket.
Facilitators and recorders will be at each table to initiate discussion and to document the discussion for posting on the Chapter Council Web site ( Facilitators and recorders earn one point toward membership in the Academy of Health Information Professionals for completing these activities. ***If you would like to share your skills and expertise as a facilitator or a recorder for a particular, please e-mail Becky McKay at***
Based on a survey of members as well as comments from previous roundtable attendees, the following discussion topics were chosen for MLA ’13.
(Topic descriptions are available online at:
1. Budget Cuts Problem Solving**
2. Copyright Issues
3. Ebooks
4. Electronic Medical Records–The Role of the Library
5. Embedded Librarians
6. Health Literacy
7. Instruction Techniques
8. Integrating You or the Library into the Curriculum
9. iPads in the Curriculum, Clinics and Library**
10. Issues in Hospital Librarianship
11. Liaisons Stepping Out of the Library
12. Library Redesign**
13. Library Support for One Health Initiatives**
14. Literature Searches to Support Systematic Reviews
15. Measuring Success & Influencing Decision Makers
16. Mobile Technologies for Medical Librarians
17. Negotiating with Vendors
18. New & Emerging Roles for Medical Librarians
19. Outreach Services**
20. Scholarly Communication
21. Solo Librarians
22. Supporting Translational Research
23. Teaching Evidence Based Medicine to Students & Faculty
24. Virtual Reference
** New Topics for 2013
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