Paper deadline extended! MLGSCA/NCNMLG 2013 Joint Meeting
Posted on May 13, 2013 by Amy Chatfield | No Comments
We would like to offer you one final chance to add to the MLGSCA/NCNMLG Joint Meeting programming this year. The deadline for submissions is now May 31st, 2013.
We still have slots open for paper presentations. Some of you had wonderful posters at MLA 2013 in Boston, or were inspired to report on your activities after viewing the exciting presentations at MLA 2013, and I hope you will consider adding to our program by submitting a paper on your intriguing topics. In addition to paper submissions, we will also offer a session of Lightning Talks.
What are Lightning Talks?
Lightning Talks are designed so that you can talk briefly about newly implemented services or new research conducted. Make sure that the talks support the conference’s theme of change or opportunities in your institutions. You can present for 5 minutes and you can present 3-5 slides on your topic. Submit a short description of your talk, and we will notify you ASAP.
Remember – this is a great opportunity to talk about what you’re doing in your institutions and I know we can all benefit from your experiences. Don’t be shy!
For Contributed Papers, send a 200-300 word abstract to Annie Hughes via email. Please put “contributed paper proposal” in the subject line.
For Lightning Talks, send a 100-200 word abstract to Annie Hughes via email. Please put “Lightning Talk” in the subject line.
The MLGSCA/NCNMLG 2013 Joint Meeting will be held in La Jolla, CA on July 24-26, 2013 at the University of California, San Diego’s Price Center. The conference theme is Waves of Change, Oceans of Opportunity and can encompass a variety of topics. Projects, services, innovations, lessons learned, and success stories which illustrate how we are celebrating opportunity during continual change are all possible paper or Lightning Talk topics.
MLGSCA/NCNMLG Joint Meeting 2013 is not sponsored by the University of California, San Diego. The views expressed at the conference are not supported or endorsed by the University of California, San Diego.
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