MLGSCA special election
Posted on December 10, 2013 by Kelli Hines | No Comments
The MLGSCA 2013 Special Election to fill the President-Elect position is now open through December 23, 2013 11:59 pm Pacific Standard Time USA. A ballot will be sent to members soon from Ballot Bin, our online election tool.
Thank you,
The MLGSCA 2013/14 Nominating Committee
Elisa Cortez, Chair
Janet Crum
Kay Deeney
Nita Mailander
Kathy Zeblisky
Kathleen Carlson
Bio: Kathleen Carlson is the Education/Associate Librarian at the University of Arizona College of Medicine (UACoM) Phoenix. She has completed her second year in this newly created position and is already working with the first and second year medical students as well as the clinical faculty. She is involved with assisting MSIs and MSIIs in their research on their four-year Scholarly Project. She has also given instruction in research databases, mobile technology as well as RefWorks, the bibliographic management system and created subject guides (LibGuides) for use in Outreach Clinics. The new Health Sciences Education Building (HSEB) is home to the Phoenix Biomedical Campus Library-Phoenix and opened in July 2013. The 13700 square feet library is located on the third and fourth floors. Currently the Phoenix Biomedical Campus is home to 200 medical students, 50 public health students, and 20 nursing students. The 2012 fall semester began the collaboration between Northern Arizona University (located in Flagstaff, AZ) and their doctoral programs in Physical Therapy (PT) and Physician Assistant (PA) students. Prior to the UACoM Phoenix position, Kathleen was the Health Sciences Librarian at Arizona State University, downtown Phoenix campus for five years and worked as a hospital librarian at John C. Lincoln Hospital-North Mountain also in Phoenix. Her activities with MLGSCA include: Primary MLGSCA Exhibitor – Arizona Library Association Annual Conference (AZLA), 2013, Joint Meeting (San Diego) MLGSCA and Northern California Nevada Medical Library Group (NCNMLG) – Continuing Education Co-Chair, 2012/2013, MLA Chapter Representative Alternate, 2012 /2014, Joint Meeting (Glendale, AZ) MLGSCA and Northern California Nevada Medical Library Group (NCNMLG) – Exhibits Co-Chair, 2009 /2010, Blog Chair, 2010, Newsletter Co-Chair, 2009, Joint Meeting (Las Vegas) MLGSCA and NCNMLG – Poster Co-Chair, 2007/2008, MLGSCA Advisory Committee, 2007/2014, and MLGSCA – Interlibrary Loan Coupon Manager, 2006/2008.
Statement of Aims: I am willing to run for MLGSCA President because I have been nurtured by this organization. And with the help of its dedicated members MLGSCA will continue to assist librarians, information professionals and others understand that our organization promotes excellence in professional achievement, leadership and enhances the quality of health care, education, and research and dedicated to the support of health sciences research, and patient care. MLGSCA is one of the 13 MLA chapters that make up the larger parent organization. MLGSCA can only be valuable if its members continue to volunteer their time and expertise and contribute to the organization’s success. I understand that most MLGSCA members have positions in hospitals, universities and colleges that are their primary focus but I challenge MLGSCA’s silent majority to volunteer as chair persons, work on committees, and workgroups to continue to make MLGSCA a strong chapter.
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