Ysabel Bertolucci Annual Meeting Grant Fund
Posted on April 8, 2014 by Kelli Hines | No Comments
The MLGSCA Advisory Council recently voted to donate $500 to the Ysabel Bertolucci Annual Meeting Grant Fund. This donation has already been made, and we received a nice thank you from Carla Funk and the MLA Board of Directors for the donation.
Ysabel was a valued and loved member of NCNMLG & many MLA Sections for many years and was actively involved in many of the MLGSCA/NCNMLG Joint Meetings. If you would personally like to contribute to this grant fund, you may do so online or by making a monetary donation at the Scholarship Booth while attending MLA and designating it for this fund. More information about this grant is available at http://scouncil.mlanet.org/blogs/news/ysabel-bertolucci-mla-annual-meeting-grant/.
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