MLGSCA Election Results
Posted on June 20, 2014 by Kelli Hines | No Comments
We are happy to announce the results of our 2014 MLGSCA Election!
President-Elect: Danielle Linden
Secretary: Norma Layton
MLGSCA Nominating Committee incoming members are: Lisa Marks and Lori Tagawa
MLGSCA Nominee to the MLA Nominating Committee: Rebecca Birr
107 of 180 members voted via Ballot Bin. Thank you, members. The Nominating Committee would like to extend our sincere thanks to all candidates for their willingness to step forward and serve.
We are happy to announce the results of our 2014 MLGSCA Election!
The MLGSCA election was conducted via Ballot Bin. There were 107 of 180 members who voted which is 59%, a slight increase in participation rate. Thank you members.
2014 MLGSCA election results are:
Danielle Linden
Norma Layton
MLGSCA Nominating Committee incoming members are:
Lisa Marks
Lori Tagawa
MLGSCA Nominee to the MLA Nominating Committee
Rebecca Birr was submitted and approved by the MLGSCA Advisory Council as MLGSCA’s nominee to the MLA Nominating Committee.
The Nominating Committee would like to extend our sincere thanks to all candidates for their willingness to step forward and serve.
We are happy to announce the results of our 2014 MLGSCA Election!
The MLGSCA election was conducted via Ballot Bin. There were 107 of 180 members who voted which is 59%, a slight increase in participation rate. Thank you members.
2014 MLGSCA election results are:
Danielle Linden
Norma Layton
MLGSCA Nominating Committee incoming members are:
Lisa Marks
Lori Tagawa
MLGSCA Nominee to the MLA Nominating Committee
Rebecca Birr was submitted and approved by the MLGSCA Advisory Council as MLGSCA’s nominee to the MLA Nominating Committee.
The Nominating Committee would like to extend our sincere thanks to all candidates for their willingness to step forward and serve.
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