Renew your MLGSCA membership!
Posted on January 7, 2016 by Kelli Hines | No Comments
The 2016 MLGSCA membership renewal drive is now open! Renew online at and take time to review and update your profile!
MLGSCA membership remains a great value at only $35 per year for regular members, $17.50 for retired members, and free for student members! Some of the benefits include:
- Learning about job postings, networking opportunities, and other announcements via the MLGSCA Listserv
- Sharing or gaining ideas, insights, experiences, and expertise through the MLGSCA Mentorship Program
- Taking advantage of discounted registration rates for the January 2016 NCNMLG/MLGSCA Joint Meeting in Palo Alto, CA (
- Connecting with your peer community through the MLGSCA Membership Directory
- Gaining recognition with awards, and financial support for your education and research
- Receiving professional and leadership experience by volunteering for committees or elected office
- Voting! Register your voice through MLGSCA Advisory Council election (Must renew by March 1st, 2016!)
- Maintaining regional affiliation with the Medical Library Association (MLA)
Online payment is preferred, but if paying by check please complete the online registration form, and send copy of invoice along with check (made out to MLGSCA) to:
Sue Espe, MLGSCA Treasurer
Banner Health – University Medical Center
Merril W. Brown Health Sciences Library
1111 E. McDowell Road
Phoenix AZ 85006
If you have any questions regarding MLGSCA membership please contact your Membership Co-Chairs: Lori Tagawa ( and Adele Dobry (
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