MLGSCA & NCNMLG Joint Meeting 2018 is Calling for Abstracts; Papers, Lightening Talks, and Posters Welcome
Posted on July 27, 2017 by Daisy Nip | 1 Comment
The Planning Committee announced a call for abstracts for the upcoming MLGSCA & NCNMLG Joint Meeting 2018. Papers, lightening talks, and posters are welcome. The 2018 Joint Meeting will take place in Scottsdale, AZ, for four days, from January 21 to January 24, 2018. Abstract submission deadline is November 1, 2017.
The 2018 MLGSCA & NCNMLG Joint Chapter Meeting Planning Committee is soliciting submissions for contributed papers, lightening talks, and posters for the upcoming meeting: Crossing the Canyon: Bridging Divides and Navigating Waters, January 21 – 24, 2018, in Scottsdale, AZ.
We want to hear from you! Papers, lightening talks, and posters may describe any research or practice of interest to the medical library community.
Presenters should be prepared to speak between 12-15 minutes. Lightening talks are limited to five minutes, and serve as a way to participate in the conference in a less formal manner than a contributed paper.
Note: Contributed papers are oral presentations; a complete text of the paper is not required.
You will hear back from us before the early registration deadline on November 15.
- Submit a copy of an abstract (approximately 250-300 words) describing the poster.
- Please list all presenters and institutional affiliations.
- Please let us know if you need a table.
- Maximum poster size 42” high by 60” wide.
- Please place “POSTER PROPOSAL” in the subject line of your message and email to Hella Bluhm-Stieber, Poster Session Chair, Janene Wandersee, and Carmen Huddleston:
Hella Bluhm-Stieber
408-885-5654Janene Wandersee
602-839-5761Carmen Huddleston
650-723-9933For PAPERS:
- Submit two copies of your abstract (250 words maximum), which accurately conveys the subject of the paper, its scope, conclusions, and relevance to medical libraries. The first copy should list all authors, institutional affiliations, and email and phone number of primary contact. The second copy will be used in a blind review process and should not include any information identifying authors or institutions.
- Please place “CONTRIBUTED PAPER PROPOSAL” in the subject line of your message and email to Caroline Marshall and David Bickford, Programming Committee chairs:
Caroline Marshall
310-423-2315Bickford, David L – (dbickford)
602-827-2407For LIGHTENING TALKS:
- To propose a Lightning Talk, submit two copies of the description of your topic (approximately 100 words), which convey the subject of the talk, its scope, conclusions, and relevance to medical libraries. The first copy should list all authors, institutional affiliations, and email and phone number of primary contact. The second copy will be used in a blind review process and should not include any information identifying authors or institutions.
- Please place “CONTRIBUTED LIGHTENING TALK” in the subject line of your message and email to Caroline Marshall, Programming Committee chair:
Caroline Marshall
310-423-2315Bickford, David L – (dbickford)
602-827-2407See you in Scottsdale!
Visit to learn more.
One Response to “MLGSCA & NCNMLG Joint Meeting 2018 is Calling for Abstracts; Papers, Lightening Talks, and Posters Welcome”
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July 27th, 2017 @ 12:39 pm
Nice! Can’t wait. Like the white on black formatting too Daisy!