MLGSCA 2018 Slate of Officer Candidates
Posted on April 27, 2018 by Daisy Nip | No Comments
Hello MLGSCA Members,
Here are the 2018 MLGSCA Officer slate of candidates (see below):
The election will open shortly and run for two weeks. Ballots will be sent out via email from on behalf of Bryan Nugent. You will see my name in the “from” field. Please check your inbox and spam folder over the next few days and contact me directly if you do not receive the email from Election Runner. It will be sent to the email you provided when renewing your MLGSCA membership.
Bryan Nugent, MSLIS, AHIP
2017-18 MLGSCA Nominating Committee Chair
Elisa Cortez – Loma Linda University
Bio: Elisa Cortez is Chair of User Services and liaison librarian to the School of Dentistry and the School of Allied Health at Loma Linda University, Del Webb Library. She has been an active member of MLGSCA and MLA, most recently serving as Past-Chair of the Medical Library Association (MLA) Public Services Section and is currently the MLA Allied Representative to the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Health Sciences Interest Group. Her activities with MLA and MLGSCA include:
Medical Library Association (MLA): member 1997- ; Allied Representative to the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Health Sciences Interest Group 2009-, Allied Representative to ALA RUSA-STARS (Reference and User Services Association, Section for Transforming Access and Resource Services) 2008-2014. Membership Committee: member 1999-2001.
Section: Dental Section: member 1997-; Educational Media & Technology Section: member 1997-2001; Leadership & Management Section: member 2010-; Public Services Section: Past-Chair 2015-2016, Chair 2014-15, Chair-elect 2013-14, member 2006-.
Chapter: Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona (MLGSCA): member 1997-; Past-President, 2013-14; Treasurer, 2011-2013; MLGSCA Chapter Newsletter, co-editor, 2005-07; Western MLA Chapters Annual Meeting, Publicity Committee, 2005-2006; Membership Committee, chair, 1998-2000; MLGSCA/Northern California and Nevada Medical Library Group (NCMLG) Joint Meeting Committee, Graphics, chair 1999-2000. Continuing Education/Program Committee: member 1998-1999.
Education: Masters of Information & Library Science, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. Bachelor of Fine Art, La Sierra University, Riverside, CA. ACRL Harvard Leadership Institute for Academic Librarians (LIAL). July 30 – August 4, 2017. Medical Informatics MBL/NLM Course Fellow – Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA. Fall 2010.
Statement of Aims: Our Chapter is very special and has a long history of fostering excellence in health sciences librarianship I became a member of MLGSCA early in my career and have served the chapter n many different capacities. I continue to support the chapter because MLGSCA is only as strong as its members. And while we may come from diverse working environments, hospitals, academic medical centers, and other institutions, for me the chapter continues to be a place for building your professional network, growing through the many leadership opportunities within the chapter, and connecting.
I am ready to step up and work towards fostering community within our region and the larger Medical Library Association, combating professional isolation by growing your connections with colleagues, and supporting accessible opportunities for professional development.
Thank you for your consideration..
Carrie Grinstead – Providence Health & Services
Since 2015, I have worked as a medical librarian for the Los Angeles Region of Providence St. Joseph Health. Working with a library team that is distributed across several states, I provide extensive reference services, typically completing more than five hundred literature searches each year for physicians, nurses, and allied health professionals. I’m also heavily involved with several nursing research groups, assisting in individual research projects and in building hospital- and regional-level processes for administering nursing research.
I recently became an AHIP member at the Provisional level, and, this summer, I’ll participate in the first MLA Research Training Institute. I plan to use this experience to collaborate with acute care nurses on an original research project involving patient education and consumer health information.
I received my MLIS from the University of British Columbia, where I took classes in health sciences librarianship and medical informatics. I served as Co-President of our Special Libraries Association Student Interest Group and as Communications Secretary for the Canadian Health Libraries Association group. In the summer of 2017, I completed a graduate certificate in clinical informatics through an online program offered by Oregon Health & Sciences University.
I’m passionate about health information and love being part of a great library team at Providence St. Joseph. It brings me great joy to ease clinicians’ access to information that improves patient outcomes, and to support researchers in moving healthcare forward.
Statement of aims
My memberships in MLGSCA and MLA have been huge factors in my professional development, and I’d be excited to serve our organization as President-Elect. My first goal is to follow Kelli Hines’ excellent example of aligning educational opportunities to members’ needs and interests and identifying site sponsors in convenient locations.
I’m also very excited by the 2019 Joint Meeting theme, “Critical health sciences librarianship: examining our role in social justice.” I currently serve as Government Relations Chair for MLGSCA, and I’m constantly looking for ways in which my professional skills can be used to promote better public health and wellbeing. Throughout my year as President-Elect, I want to identify CEs that will help members understand the effects of national issues on health sciences librarianship, and the roles that information professionals can play in promoting fair, respectful policy.
I’ve always appreciated MLGSCA’s role in helping me stay connected to the national organization. I’ll remain an active member of MLA, and I’ll share what I learn at the Research Training Institute through the MLGSCA blog and other channels.
Finally, I’ll promote continued dissemination of our work and experiences. I’m impressed by our members’ records of publication, and I’ll encourage new writers to publish. I also hope to help members find opportunities to publish outside the library literature and promote our profession to medical, nursing, and other groups.
Hanna Schilperoort – USC Norris
Bio: My name is Hannah Schilperoort and I have been working as an Information Services and Nursing Liaison Librarian for Norris Medical Library at University of Southern California since September 2016. Prior to this position, I worked as a solo librarian at Stanbridge University, a small health sciences university in Irvine, CA. I earned a MA in Literature from San Francisco State University in 2010 and a MLIS from San Jose State University in 2015.
I have been an active member of professional organizations since library school, where I served as secretary/archivist for SJSU ALA Student Chapter. I also served on ALA’s Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT) and Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT). Currently, I am a member of the MLA 2019 National Program Committee and am taking over as treasurer for MLA’s Nursing and Allied Health Resources Section (NAHRS) this May.
I have been a member of MLGSCA since late 2016. This February 2018, I attended my first Joint Meeting, where I presented a lightning talk and participated in a special session. This was my first Joint Meeting, and it was a fantastic experience. I served as co-chair of the Website/Promotion Committee and felt good about contributing to a successful conference. Helping to plan the Joint Meeting gave me the opportunity to collaborate with and get to know other librarians across the two chapters.
I really enjoy being an active member of MLGSCA and collaborating with others to help create an excellent professional experience for us all. Thank you for considering me for the MLGSCA secretary position.
Angela Murrell – Bastyr University
Angela Murrell is the Senior Librarian and manager of the library at Bastyr University, California campus. In her role, she is responsible for operations of the library and has served on several campus and university wide committees. Previously, she served as the medical librarian for the Scripps Green Hospital and Scripps Clinic located at the Scripps Research Institute library for 10 years. Angela has been a member of MLGSCA since 2005 and served on the MLGSCA CE Committee and Connection Committee from 2009 to 2011. Attending the MLGSCA joint meetings have helped her build and maintain connections within southern California, and eventually to her facilitating a local networking group, San Diego Health Science Librarians. Her interests also focus on instruction, and she was Vice-Chair/Chair from 2012-2014 of another southern California group, Lifelong Information Literacy interest (LILi) group, also serving on the By Laws Revision Committee 2012-2013, the Conference Planning committee 2013-2014 and serval other committees in that group. In addition to her professional involvement, Angela has served on her Home Owners Association Board and is currently serving as Vice-Chair of her local School Site Council.
Angela would like the opportunity to give back to the MLGSCA through service as the next Secretary.
Nominating Committee
Sally Harvey – SWNCM
Sally Harvey, MLS is the Library Director at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine. Sally has been a medical librarian since 1992, when she graduated from the University of Arizona with a Master’s Degree in Library Science. She went on to work in various medical settings, including hospitals and academic centers. Sally has experience in grant writing, management, serving on Institutional Review Boards and journal column editing. In 2010, Sally co-published a study examining the publication rate of abstracts presented at the Medical Library Association professional conferences. She has been active in professional organizations, both national and local, for her entire career, including serving on the planning committee for 3 Joint Meetings of MLGSCA/NCNMLG and one for MLA.
Bethany Myers – UCLA
Bethany Myers, AHIP is a Research Informationist at the Louise M. Darling Medical Library at the University of California, Los Angeles. She serves as the liaison librarian for various departments and provides training and support for researchers in systematic searching, scholarly communications, and other areas. Bethany has a BA in Digital Media from the University of Central Florida and an MSLIS from Florida State University.
Andrea Harrow – Good Samaritan Hospital
Andrea Harrow, MLS, AHIP-D is a solo, Clinical Librarian/Library Manager at Good Samaritan Hospital, Los Angeles. She serves her hospital as an expert librarian, providing evidence-based references, resources and training to hospital, medical, teaching staff and patients. Andrea currently serves as Chair of the MLGSCA Professional Issues committee. She has continually served MLGSCA in some capacity as an active committee member or chair since 2006. Andrea is also an active member of the Hospital Libraries Section, Cancer Librarians Section and Solo Librarian Special Interest Group.
Mary White – Kaiser Permanente
Mary E. White is a pharmacy librarian at Kaiser Permanente in the Drug Information Services Department. She has been in this role for 15 years. Previously, she worked at the Kaiser Permanente Bellflower Medical Center as well as the Kaiser Permanente Baldwin Park Medical Center where she managed the Libraries and the Physician Education Departments. Mary has been an active member of MLGSCA and MLA since 1984. Mary was elected President of MLGSCA, July 2012- June 2014. She served two terms as President due to the President-Elect relocating to the east coast. Mary also served in the Past-President role in 2014-2015 and Chair of the Nominating Committee 2014-2015. In addition, Mary was Chair of the MLGSCA Government/Bylaws Committee 2009-2011. Mary has presented posters at both MLGSCA and MLA, most recently at the 2014 MLA meeting in Chicago. Mary graduated from the University of Southern California with a Master’s of Library Science and holds a Bachelor’s degree in history.
Judy Kraemer – Dignity Health
Judy Kraemer, MLIS, MBA, is the new Medical Librarian at St. Mary Medical Center in Long Beach, CA. She worked as a Medical Librarian, Department Manager, or Library Director at UCI, UCLA, USC, WesternU, City of Hope, First Consulting Group, and Baxter Healthcare. She directed the Long Beach Memorial Medical Center library for nine years. Judy has been a MLGSCA member for years and served as a Joint Meeting Co-chair, Technology Symposium Co-chair, and on various committees including Professional Issues, Government Relations, and ILL EFTS Sub-Committee. She would like to serve MLGSCA again.
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