Newsletter of the Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona

JMLA Wants You! To Write a Review!

Posted on February 14, 2019 by David Bickford | No Comments

Each issue of JMLA includes a Resource Review Section and we are looking for contributors!  The content scope is broad and can include electronic resources, software, and other technology tools, library specific or not, that would be of use or interest to medical librarians or in medical libraries.

We need your help in two ways:  we need your suggestions for products to review, and we need authors to write the reviews.  To inspire you to jump at this opportunity, here are the top 5 reasons to write a JMLA Resource Review:

5. Writing a review provides a great opportunity to get published in the leading peer-reviewed journal for medical librarians.

4. You can gain valuable experience as an author.  Whether this is your first time writing, or you are a highly published author, we welcome your submission!  We will provide advice, assistance, and as much editing as you need to get your review ready for publication.

3. AHIP points!

2. Get to know a product or tool in depth!

AND, the number one reason to write a JMLA Resource Review:

1. Share your expertise with your colleagues.  Busy professionals do not have time to stay up to date with every new software package, product, or new tool that comes on the market.  By exploring a resource in depth and reviewing it for JMLA, you can introduce your colleagues to something new that may help them or their users – and which they might never have known about without your review!!!

Convinced yet?  Contact the JMLA Resource Review Co-Editors, Ellen Aaronson ( or Lisa Marks (

To see what these reviews look like, please refer to the past few issues of JMLA.  We also have an instruction for authors sheet we can share with you.


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