NNLM Region 5 MLA Virtual Conference Registration Award
Posted on March 3, 2022 by Angela Murrell | No Comments
The Network of the National Library of Medicine Region 5 (NNLM Region 5), under cooperative agreement with the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM), is excited to announce a new award designed to support Region 5 members’ attendance at the virtual MLA Annual Meeting. Organizations in Alaska, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, U.S. Territories and Freely Associated States in the Pacific are eligible to apply.
MLA Virtual Conference Registration Award: Up to 20 members will receive a registration code for the virtual 2022 Medical Library Association (MLA) Annual Meeting. To apply you will complete a brief application, estimated to take 5-10 minutes. Awardees will be asked to report back on their MLA experience through participation in a future online Region 5 meeting or by writing a post on the Region 5 blog.
Application Deadline: March 18, 2022
This award supports the mission of the Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) which is to provide U.S. researchers, health professionals, public health workforce, educators, and the public with equal access to biomedical and health information resources and data.
Questions? Contact Daina Dickman, Assistant Director at ddickman@uw.edu
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