Advisory Council Meetings for 2022-2023
Posted on July 12, 2022 by Angela Murrell | No Comments
Greetings and welcome from your MLGSCA 2022-2023 Officers.
We will have our first MLGSCA Advisory Council (AC) Meeting this Thursday, July 14, from 10-11 am PT. All are encouraged to attend. The link to the meeting will be send to the email list.
Future AC meetings will be held monthly, on the 2nd Thursday of the month from 10-11 am PT. A link to the meeting and the agenda will be sent to the MLGSCA member list shortly before each meeting.
We looking forward to working with everyone this year!
From our By Laws:
Section 1. Advisory Council
The elected officers of this Chapter shall constitute the Advisory Council. The Archivist, Representative to the RML Advisory Committee, and Committee Chairs shall serve as ex- officio non-voting members of the Advisory Council.
Elected Officers of the Chapter:
Judy Kraemer, President
Angela Murrell, President-Elect
Rikke Ogawa, Past President
Janet Crum, Secretary
Kevin Pardon, Treasurer
Danielle Linden, MLA Chapter Council Rep
Mary White, MLA Chapter Council Rep-Alternative
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