Newsletter of the Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona

I am MLGSCA: Judy Kraemer

Posted on November 3, 2022 by Angela Murrell | No Comments

Judy Kraemer

Name: Judy Kraemer
Institution: Dignity Health, St. Mary Medical Center
& Anaheim Public Library
Title: Medical Librarian & Librarian

Brief description of what you do/your responsibilities at your institution.

I am a solo hospital librarian responsible for managing all aspects of the hospital library including but not limited to: library facility, print and online collections: selection/acquisition/licensing, budget, services: reference/research/document delivery/ILL; systems: selection/acquisition/implementation/maintenance – online catalog/link resolver/discovery system/authentication/website, instruction, marketing, Co-Chair of Library Committee, GME & CME Committee member, and collaborate with other Dignity Health librarians on the Dignity Health Libraries website and special projects like the COVID-19 Portal that serves all 140 CommonSpirit hospitals. I also work a day a week for Medical Staff Administration on automation projects including design and management of the department website.

I am a part-time public librarian responsible for reference desk services: adults/teens/children, collection development and weeding including consumer health collection: adult collection, library displays, and library programing: Indie Author Day, Romance Author Day, Big Read (grant writer).

Why did you become a librarian?

I became a librarian because my mom suggested a student library job at which I was influenced by MLGSCA members: Judy Bube, Joyce Loepprich, Steve Clancy, Rochelle Minchow, Susan Lessick, Linda Murphy, and Michael Homan – who worked at the UC Irvine Biomed and Medical Center libraries. These librarians gave me interesting student and then library assistant work that engaged and challenged me to the point that I wanted to be an academic medical librarian and library manager like them. 

What is your advice to someone taking on a new role in leadership in MLGSCA, or other capacity?

I advise all members to take a look at MLGSCA leadership opportunities, pick a few, talk to members currently serving in the positions, and volunteer or nominate yourself. Once in a new position, maintain communications with experienced members to learn from them and recruit members to help you. Getting involved in MLGSCA will be rewarding! You will learn new things and gain valuable experiences. The best reward is your new community of new colleagues and new friends.

Is there anything about you that others might be surprised to know?

I lived in Bangkok, Thailand until I was one year old and have traveled with my family while growing up to Egypt, Turkey, Yugoslavia, Italy, Greece, England, Ireland, Belgium, Germany, and France. I studied at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Brussels, Belgium during my MLA program.

What do you do in your spare time, for fun, or to relax?

Before kids (Caroline 18, Michelle 17), I was a competitive sailboat racer and an alternate on the second all women Transpac crew. The Transpac is a yacht race from Los Angeles to Honolulu. Let me know if you want to sail with me out of Newport Beach, CA. Now, I am a sailboat day sailor/cruiser, Girl Scout leader, school volunteer, work as a Public Librarian, and am a chain public library audiobook listener – often while gardening!

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Sunny McGowan:


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