MLGSCA Officers: Call for Nominations
Posted on January 27, 2023 by andrea lynch | No Comments
Have you ever wanted to run for an office in MLGSCA? Do you have a name of a great colleague you want to pass along? Now is the time!
The MLGSCA Nominating Committee is calling for nominations for the 2023 election. Self-nominations and nominations of others are both welcomed and encouraged by January 30th.
The following offices will be on the ballot this year:
- President-Elect (3 year term)
- MLGSCA Nominating Committee member – electing two members (2 year term)
- Secretary (1 year term)
- Treasurer (2 year term)
More details about responsibilities and duties of each office are outlined in MLGSCA bylaws in Article IV Section 1 &2.
If you’re interested in or have questions about this opportunity, please feel free to contact anyone on the nominating committee. We’d love to speak/email with you about any of these opportunities and about the personal value of getting involved in MLGSCA leadership.
We hope to hear from you soon!
Rikke Ogawa, on behalf of MLGSCA Nominating Committee
Adele Dobry (2022-23)
Andrea Harrow (2022-24)
Andrea Lynch (2021-23)
Lisa Marks (2022-24)
Rikke Ogawa (ex-officio, chair 2022-23)
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