Newsletter of the Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona

2012 MLGSCA Symposium Virtual Posters

Posters were presented at the 2012 MLGSCA Symposium on March 2, 2012. Poster content is copyrighted by authors. Contact poster authors if you would like to re-publish or re-use their work.

You may comment on each poster. Authors will be notified of comments or questions and encouraged to respond throughout spring 2012.

Poster 1: Librarian Involvement in Evidence-Based Practice among Clinical Nurses. Mary A. Wickline, MLIS, M. Ed.

Poster 2: X-Linked Agammaglobulinemia Marks the Spot: Rare Diseases in Evidence-Based Practice. Lori Tagawa

Poster 3: Librarians Collaborating with Faculty to Develop and Deliver an Evidence-Based Eye Care Course. Ruth Harris, MLIS, Instruction and Education Coordinator; Frances Chu, MSN, MLIS; and Rudy Barreras

Poster 4: Evidence-Based Practice at the Bedside: The Librarian’s Role in Promoting EBP Mobile Apps. Lisa Federer, MLIS

Poster 5: Opportunities for Hospital Librarians in the Era of Genomic Medicine: Helping Clinicians Implement New Approaches to Patient Care. Kathryn J. Elliott, M.S.

Poster 6: The Role of Librarians in Obtaining Magnet Status. Adele Dobry, MLIS

Poster 7: Nourishing the Garden for Evidence Based Health Care: Initial Steps in Establishing a Clinical Librarian Program at a Comprehensive Cancer Center. Janet Crum, Director, Library Services; Laura Brown, Clinical Librarian

Poster 8: The Library’s Changing Role in the Evidence-Based Medical Curriculum. Emily Brennan, MLIS

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