JM2010 Round Table: New and Emerging Roles for Medical Librarians
By April R. Frost, Independent Medical Librarian & Trainer Round Table: New and Emerging Roles for Medical Librarians. The first topic we discussed was transferability of medical librarians’ skills into other fields. Many library skills transfer nicely into other areas, such as journalism and reporting. The transfer of skills can be shared through cross-training with […]
JM2010 Contributed Paper: Rejuvenating the Library’s Role in the Medical Curriculum
By Rikke Ogawa, MLS, AHIP, Research, Instruction & Collection Services Emergent Technologies Coordinator UCLA Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library. Contributed Paper: Rejuvenating the Library’s Role in the Medical Curriculum. Emily Brennan, Information Services Librarian; Eileen Eandi, Associate Director, Educational & Research Services Division; Evans Whitaker, Clinical Support Librarian. University of Southern California Norris Medical Library, […]