JM2010 CE: Understanding Healthcare Literature: Advanced Critical Appraisal
By Hella Bluhm-Stieber, MLIS, AHIP, Santa Clara Valley Health & Hospital System Ann McKibbon, MLS, PhD, from McMaster University, Faculty of Health Sciences started the CE class “Understanding Healthcare Literature” with different definitions for evidence-based medicine (EBM). A simple definition is: “evidence-based healthcare (EBHC) is the integration of best research evidence with clinical expertise and […]
JM2010 Contributed Paper: Evidence Based Bioethics – Available Tools and Resources for Librarians
By Debra Schneider, Librarian, Scottsdale Healthcare, Scottsdale, AZ. Contributed Paper: Evidence-Based Bioethics – Available Resources and Tools for Librarians. Linda Suk-Ling Murphy, Health Sciences Librarian; Brian R. Williams, Librarian, University of California-Irvine Libraries, Irvine, CA. The definition of evidence-based bioethics remains subject to debate among bioethicists themselves. Hence, how would you respond to a request […]
JM2010 Contributed Paper: John C. & Lowry Hench Cancer Library at the Roy & Patricia Disney Family Cancer Center
By Evonda Copeland, Supervisor of Library Services, Scottsdale Healthcare, Scottsdale, AZ. Contributed Paper: John C. & Lowry Hench Cancer Library at the Roy & Patricia Disney Family Cancer Center. Lisa Marks, Supervisor, Library Services, Health Science Library, Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center, Burbank, CA. In February 2010, the new John C. & Lowry Hench Cancer […]
JM2010 Round Table: New and Emerging Roles for Medical Librarians
By April R. Frost, Independent Medical Librarian & Trainer Round Table: New and Emerging Roles for Medical Librarians. The first topic we discussed was transferability of medical librarians’ skills into other fields. Many library skills transfer nicely into other areas, such as journalism and reporting. The transfer of skills can be shared through cross-training with […]
JM2010: Engaging Users with Powerful Visuals – On the Cheap!
By Evonda Copeland, Supervisor of Library Services, Scottsdale Healthcare, Scottsdale, AZ. Contributed Paper: Engaging Users with Powerful Visuals – on the Cheap! Kelli Ham, Consumer Health Coordinator, NN/LM Pacific Southwest Region, UCLA Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library, Los Angeles, CA. Kelli Ham discussed affordable, easy-to-use programs to help you incorporate effective visuals into your instructional […]
JM2010 Round Table: Copyright
Posted by Megan Curran, Norris Medical Library, University of Southern California. Round Table: Copyright Issues. This round table’s discussion ran the gamut among copyright and licensing issues. There was a general consensus that the more librarians delve into the realm of copyright law, the fuzzier it can get; it is difficult to feel confident giving […]
JM2010 Contributed poster: Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Interactive Storyboard Tutorial for Medical Students and Allied Health Professions: An Innovative Approach.
By Rikke Ogawa, MLS, AHIP, Research, Instruction & Collection Services Emergent Technologies Coordinator UCLA Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library. Contributed Poster: Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Interactive Storyboard Tutorial for Medical Students and Allied Health Professions: An Innovative Approach. Linda SukLing Murphy, MLIS, Stephen L. Clancy, MLS, AHIP, and Cathy Palmer, MLS. UCI Libraries has developed an […]
JM2010 Contributed Paper: Rejuvenating the Library’s Role in the Medical Curriculum
By Rikke Ogawa, MLS, AHIP, Research, Instruction & Collection Services Emergent Technologies Coordinator UCLA Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library. Contributed Paper: Rejuvenating the Library’s Role in the Medical Curriculum. Emily Brennan, Information Services Librarian; Eileen Eandi, Associate Director, Educational & Research Services Division; Evans Whitaker, Clinical Support Librarian. University of Southern California Norris Medical Library, […]
JM2010: Exhibits
Posted by Carol Ann Attwood, Patient Health and Education Library; Mayo Clinic Arizona Exhibitors on January 28th ranged from professional organizations and schools of library science to vendors selling their products. Some of the exhibitors were McGraw-Hill’s Access Surgery, Graduate Education Foundation, Gale (who promised that prices were unchanged from last year) JAMA and Cyber […]
JM2010 Contributed Paper: News from the Front Lines: Networking the Consumer Health Library
By April R Frost, Independent Medical Librarian & Trainer JM2010: Contributed Paper: News from the Front Lines: Networking the Consumer Health Library. Jackie Davis, Consumer Health Librarian, Sharp HealthCare, San Diego, CA. Jackie Davis used the theme of the conference to describe her Consumer Health Library, and how she reaches out to people in the […]
Invitation to the 2011 Joint Meeting
Posted by Marcus Banks, MLIS, Manager of Education and Research Services; UC San Francisco Library and Center for Knowledge Management As the President of NCNMLG, I am delighted to invite you to San Francisco next year! This will be another great meeting, after our successful and educational gathering in Glendale. NCNMLG and MLGSCA will sponsor […]
JM2010 Contributed Paper: Elevated Practices for Long Distance Collaborations
Posted by Debra Schneider, Librarian, Scottsdale Healthcare, Scottsdale, AZ Contributed Paper: Elevated Practices for Long Distance Collaborations. Bramble, John; Champ-Blackwell, Siobhan; Hamasu, Claire; Mishra, Ruicha; Barnes, Susan J.; Ryan, Jeanette L. What do you do when you want to provide rural outreach services to an underserved population, and then have to factor in that the […]
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