Category: Uncategorised
Hits: 11008

General Information:

MLGSCA recognizes the need for research focusing on topics and issues in health sciences librarianship. Of particular interest to MLGSCA are research projects that are practical in nature so that results can easily be put to use in other libraries. In addition to original research proposals, demonstration or replicated research proposals are considered acceptable. Group proposals are also encouraged. $1500 has been set aside for the awards program for the July- June fiscal year, with $500 being the maximum amount per award.

In addition to the requirements listed below, all successful recipients of an award must share the results of the research project with the membership. Such sharing may take the form of an article in MLGSCA Link, a presentation at an MLGSCA program or joint meeting, or a poster session at an MLGSCA program or joint meeting. Awards may be used for expenses such as the following:

Salary, benefits, and tuition/course fees are not supported under this awards program.



All applicants must hold current membership in MLGSCA. Student members of MLGSCA will be required to identify a practicing medical or health sciences librarian or a library school faculty member as a sponsor for their research project. Sponsors do not have to be members of MLGSCA. In exceptional cases, consideration may be given to outstanding research proposals submitted by individuals who do not meet these eligibility requirements.


All applicants must submit a completed research proposal to the Chair of the MLGSCA Research Committee by the posted due date. The first call for proposals will go out on the MLGSCA Blog and Listserv. If needed, a second proposal call will be made on the blog and listserv. The application should include:

  1. A current CV or Biosketch.
  2. If the proposal is a group project, a principal investigator must be identified in the application. The person identified is responsible for the research project andreporting.
  3. If a student member of MLGSCA, a sponsor must be identified in the application (see eligibilitysection).
  4. Details on the intended publication, conference, or platform where the research will be presented.
  5. If the research results are published, recognition of MLGSCA support must begiven.
  6. Research results must be shared with the membership within one year of project completion.

Proposal Guidelines:

Grant proposals should be brief, but complete. The following must be included:

Part 1: Project design

  1. Title of the project
  2. Name(s) of participants in the project including identification of principal investigator. Students should list their sponsors in this section.
  3. Rationale and assessment of needs including an explanation of the value of the research. This may include a summary of recent literature. (Suggested length 1-2 pages).
  4. Methodology: describe the general strategies to be employed in implementing this project. If this is a group project, it is important to identify theroles individuals will have in the project. If replicating another research project, indicate which project and if there is any variation in your proposal. Analyze the specific tasks necessary for carrying out this project and prepare a timetable for the completion of the project. (Suggested length: 2-3pages).
  5. Budget: provide a detailed budget for all expenses related to the research proposal. Indicate which expenses for which you are seeking to cover with the MLGSCA grant.
  6. Sharing with members: indicate plans for sharing the results of the research project with members of MLGSCA.

Part 2: Curriculum vita that includes

  1. Applicant's name
  2. Current working title
  3. Institution name and address
  4. Telephone, email, and fax number (if available)
  5. Education
  6. Recent (5-10 years) work experience



Each research proposal will be reviewed by members of the MLGSCA Research Committee, and a review ballot will be completed by committee members. Official notification will be sent to recipients and non-recipients after the Advisory Council meets and reviews the final list submitted by the Research Committee. Normally, this would be 30-45 days after the due date of the grant application. Depending on the quality of the applications, the Research Committee may recommend that no grants be presented in a given year.