Elected Officers

President: Naomi Bishop

President-Elect: Rikke Ogawa

Past President: Elisa Cortez

Secretary: Adrienne Brodie

Treasurer: Kevin Pardon

MLA Chapter Council Rep: Judy Kraemer

MLA Chapter Council Rep Alternative: Bethany Myers

Nominating Committee: Mary White, Nita Mailander, Sunny McGowan, Jackie Davis




Awards: Laura Stubblefield

CE/Program: Naomi Bishop

Connections: Now combined with Web/blog committee

Exchange: Adele Dobry

Finance: Robin Schiff

Government Relations/Bylaws: Carrie Grinstead

Membership: Danielle Linden & Robin Schiff

Nominating: Elisa Cortez

Professional Issues: Robin Schiff & Jan Kuebel-Hernandez (co-chairs)

Research: Janene Wandersee

Web/Blog/Connections: David Bickford

Webmaster: Angela Murrell

Archivist: Robin Schiff

Elected Officers

President: Rikke Ogawa

President-Elect: Judy Kraemer

Past President: Naomi Bishop

Secretary: Ivan Portillo

Treasurer: Kevin Pardon

MLA Chapter Council Rep: Danielle Linden

MLA Chapter Council Rep Alternative: Mary White

Nominating Committee: Nora Franco, Nita Mailander, Sunny McGowan,  Andrea Lynch




Awards: David Bickford

CE/Program: Judy Kraemer

Exchange: Adele Dobry

Finance: Robin Schiff

Government Relations/Bylaws: Carrie Grinstead

Membership: Sunny McGowan & Karen O'Grady

Nominating: Naomi Bishop

Professional Issues: Robin Schiff & Jan Kuebel-Hernandez (co-chairs)

Research: Janene Wandersee

Web/Blog/Connections: Angela Murrell

Webmaster: Angela Murrell

Archivist: open

MLA Credentialing Committee Liaison (AHIP): Danielle Linden

The MLGSCA Solidarity Statement was created by the MLGSCA Solidarity Statement Taskforce members Naomi Bishop, Kelli Hines, Judy Kraemer, and Robin Schiff.

June 25, 2020

The Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona (MLGSCA) condemns racism.

MLGSCA stands in solidarity with and voices support for our Black members, our members of color, and members of the MLA African American Medical Librarians Alliance (AAMLS) Caucus (Statement June 1, 2020) with regard to protests as a result of killings by police in the United States.

MLGSCA condemns the actions by the Minneapolis Police Department and killings of Black people by police. We also acknowledge white supremacy, systems of oppression, and institutionalized forms of racism that discriminate against Blacks and African Americans and create disparities in healthcare and medicine.

Racism is a public health crisis. We recognize the communities of color in Arizona and Southern California are disproportionately affected by inequities based in racism. Learning about racism in medicine and understanding our own privileges and biases are initial steps we can take as we advocate for change in MLGSCA, medical librarianship, and healthcare. The Anti-Racism and Critical Librarianship resource suggestions compiled by the AAMLS as listed on the MLA Hospital Library Caucus Statement are a useful starting point.

The MLGSCA Advisory Council encourages MLGSCA members to speak up and unite to enact change in our profession, our communities, and our nation. We must all learn about Anti-racism, engage in constructive conversations about racism in medicine and libraries, and act to create positive change.

We will continue this conversation with our membership about how we can address racism in our profession and in our communities.

Your MLGSCA Advisory Council


Uplifting Community Voices

Thursday, March 25, 2021

9 AM - 4 PM PST

*MLGSCA Annual Meeting Noon - 1 PM

Recordings of selected symposium presentations:

Topic: Keynote Panel Uplifting Community Voices MLGSCA Spring Symposium 2021
Run Time : 1 hr 30 mins
Meeting Recording: Keynote Panel via Zoom

Topic: Librarians Panel Uplifting Community Voices MLGSCA Spring Symposium 2021
Run Time : 57 mins
Meeting Recording: Librarians Panel via Zoom

Register at https://tinyurl.com/mlgsca21

MLGSCA invites you to our spring symposium: Uplifting Community Voices. Hear from community organizations, students, and librarians about health education in the time of COVID-19. Topics include health and our communities, racism in medicine, community engagement, health in bi-lingual populations and teen and youth health.

See the symposium schedule HERE.

Meet our BIPOC LIS Student Awardees at:

Free one-day educational event. Sponsored by NNLM PSR and MLGSCA.


Elected Officers

President: Kelli Hines

President-Elect: Elisa Cortez

Past President: Caroline Marshall

Secretary: Hannah Schilperoot

Treasurer: Jennifer Dinalo

MLA Chapter Council Rep: Judy Kraemer

MLA Chapter Council Rep Alternative: Bethany Myers

Nominating Committee: Caroline Marshall, Chair, Andrea Harrow, Sally Harvey



Awards: Laura Stubblefield

CE/Program: Elisa Cortez

Connections: Now combined with Web/blog committee

Exchange: Adele Dobry

Finance: Robin Schiff

Government Relations/Bylaws: Carrie Grinstead

Membership: Danielle Linden

Professional Issues: Robin Schiff & Jan Kuebel-Hernandez (co-chairs

Research: Janene Wandersee

Web/Blog/Connections: David Bickford

Webmaster: Angela Murrell