In library school? Thinking about becoming a medical librarian? Here's some of what MLGSCA has to offer you:

FREE Membership
Yes, you read that correctly. Membership in MLGSCA is free as long as you are enrolled in library school.

FREE Continuing Education/Program Coupon
Want a "test-drive" before you buy? Students are eligible to attend one Continuing Education program at no charge. Contact the Membership Chair for more information.

MLGSCA Student Scholarship
Each year, MLGSCA awards a scholarship to a library student from one of the region's library schools. Contact Awards Committee Chair This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.

      Electronic submission is preferred


MLGSCA Scholarship for Paraprofessionals in Health Sciences Libraries
The Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona (MLGSCA) continually and vigorously supports the recruitment of outstanding candidates to the profession of health sciences librarianship. One mechanism employed by MLGSCA to accomplish this, is through the provision of a scholarship for paraprofessionals working in health sciences libraries. The amount of $1500 shall be given annually and is intended to provide support for a paraprofessional currently working in a health sciences library and who has shown evidence of interest in pursuing the health sciences specialization in librarianship.  It is expected that the funds will be used to support the recipient's educational goals leading to the professional degree in librarianship. Moreover, recipients will be expected to show evidence of this expectation having been met in form of documentation, i.e., transcripts of completed coursework.

Research Grants
MLGSCA has research grants for students. Find a medical librarian to sponsor you and get researching!


Mentor Program
MLGSCA sponsors a Mentor Program which pairs an experienced medical librarian with a protégé, either short- or long-term.

Other Links of Interest to Students



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