Uplifting Community Voices
Thursday, March 25, 2021
9 AM - 4 PM PST
*MLGSCA Annual Meeting Noon - 1 PM
Recordings of selected symposium presentations:
Topic: Keynote Panel Uplifting Community Voices MLGSCA Spring Symposium 2021
Run Time : 1 hr 30 mins
Meeting Recording: Keynote Panel via Zoom
Topic: Librarians Panel Uplifting Community Voices MLGSCA Spring Symposium 2021
Run Time : 57 mins
Meeting Recording: Librarians Panel via Zoom
Register at https://tinyurl.com/mlgsca21
MLGSCA invites you to our spring symposium: Uplifting Community Voices. Hear from community organizations, students, and librarians about health education in the time of COVID-19. Topics include health and our communities, racism in medicine, community engagement, health in bi-lingual populations and teen and youth health.
See the symposium schedule HERE.
Meet our BIPOC LIS Student Awardees at:
Free one-day educational event. Sponsored by NNLM PSR and MLGSCA.

Who we are:
- A chapter of the Medical Library Association serving Arizona and California (south of Fresno)
- Around 300 health science librarians and information professionals
What we do:
- Facilitate cooperation among medical and allied health science libraries
- Assist in developing library resources
- Promote continuing education for health sciences librarians
MLGSCA is the vital NET for health information professionals!
Academy of Health Information Professionals Roster of MLGSCA Members
Below is a list of current Chapter members as of November 2010 who are part of the Medical Library Association's Academy of Health Information Professionals.
For information on AHIP, visit the AHIP website or check out this brochure. Contact the MLGSCA Chapter Credentialing Liaison This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for questions you may have deciding what membership level is the best for you, how to tally up your points, and/or questions concerning academy membership. You can use this Excel file to tabulate your AHIP points.
MLGSCA is also offering a scholarship for first-time AHIP applicants. Please apply if interested.
Name |
Academy Level |
Institution |
Aaronson, Ellen M. |
Distinguished |
West Hills Hospital & Medical Center |
Aldous, Mary E. |
Distinguished |
Naval Health Research Center |
Anderson, Rachel K. |
Distinguished |
Tucson, AZ |
Attwood, Carol Ann | Provisional | Mayo Clinic Scottsdale, AZ |
Bardyn, Tania P. |
Distinguished |
Bielman, Paul |
Provisional |
Kaiser Permanente |
Billman, Brooke |
Provisional |
University of Arizona |
Birr, Rebecca |
Distinguished |
Maricopa Integrated Health System |
Bolef, Doris |
Distinguished |
Broering, Naomi C. |
Distinguished |
Brown, Janis |
Distinguished |
University of Southern California |
Bunting, Alison |
Emeritus |
Caan, Nelia A. |
Distinguished |
Loma Linda University |
Carlock, Danielle M. |
Provisional |
Arizona State University |
Carlson, Kathleen |
Senior |
Arizona State University |
Carr, Alan F. |
Distinguished |
NN/LM Pacific Southwest Region |
Cassidy, Jennifer |
Member |
Western University of Health Sciences |
Coppernoll-Blach, Penny |
Distinguished |
University of California San Diego |
Corley, Pamela M. |
Distinguished |
University of Southern California |
Crum, Janet | Senior | City of Hope Duarte, CA |
Deeney, Kay |
Distinguished |
NN/LM Pacific Southwest Region |
Doyle, Jacqueline D. |
Distinguished |
University of Arizona College of Medicine |
Freiburger, Gary A. |
Distinguished |
University of Arizona |
Goldstein, Mary Lou |
Distinguished |
Halcrow, Katherine |
Member |
Citrus College |
Harden, Vicki L. | Provisional | Milliman Care Guidelines La Jolla, CA |
Harrington, Molly S. |
Senior |
St. Joseph's Hospital & Medical Center |
Harrow, Andrea |
Distinguished |
Good Samaritan HospitalLos Angeles, CA |
Harvey, Sally |
Distinguished |
Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center |
Haynes, Craig C. |
Distinguished |
University of California San Diego |
Heidenreich, Fred L. |
Distinguished |
University of Arizona |
Hicks, Marian |
Distinguished |
Cleveland Chiropractic College |
Higdon, Thomas D. |
Distinguished |
Hobbs, Janet L. |
Senior |
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center |
Hofstetter, Sheila | Distinguished | Arizona State University Tempe, AZ |
Just, Melissa L. |
Distinguished |
University of California San Diego |
Keil, Mary J. | Tucson, AZ | |
Keough, Doreen B. |
Distinguished |
L.A. County Department of Health Services Administration |
Klein, Deborah S. |
Senior |
Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center |
Kmec, Marsha G. |
Distinguished |
Olive View/UCLA Medical Center |
Kopec, Suzette M. |
Member |
Carondelet St. Mary's Hospital |
Kronenfeld, Michael R. |
Distinguished |
University of Arizona |
Kwan, Julie Kuenzel |
Distinguished |
NN/LM Pacific Southwest Region |
Lessick, Susan |
Distinguished |
University of California-Irvine |
Linden, Danielle N. |
Senior |
St. Joseph Hospital |
Lyon, Frances Ishii |
Distinguished |
Marks, Lisa |
Distinguished |
Providence St. Joseph Medical Center |
Meakin, Faith A. | Distinguished | San Marcos, CA |
Mirsky, Phyllis | Distinguished | Del Mar, CA |
Ogawa, Rikke |
Distinguished |
Olsen, Sherrill M. |
Member |
Huntington Hospital |
Parker, Kathy S. |
Member |
Naval Medical Center |
Picciano, Jacqueline L. |
Distinguished |
Atria Hillcrest |
Piccolotti, Laurie |
Senior |
Patton State Hospital |
Piper, Dave |
Distinguished |
University of Arizona |
Prottsman, Mary F. |
Distinguished |
Tri-City Medical Center |
Riordan, Mary L. |
Distinguished |
University of Arizona |
Robbins, Lora A. |
Senior |
Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center |
Robinson, Michael M. |
Senior |
Scripps Mercy Hospital |
Ryan, Ann |
Member |
St. Joseph Hospital |
Ryan, Jeanette L. |
Distinguished |
University of Arizona |
Seaton, Helen J. |
Emeritus |
Smith, Julie L. |
Member |
St. Joseph Hospital |
Stubblefield, Laura |
Distinguished |
Sharp Memorial Hospital |
Truong, Phuong | Provisional | Garden Grove, CA |
Wakiji, Eileen M. |
Distinguished |
California State University, Long Beach |
Walter, Pat L. |
Distinguished |
Ward, Penny T. |
Distinguished |
Scripps Mercy Hospital |
Wellik, Kay E. |
Distinguished |
Mayo Clinic Arizona |
Williams, Jeff | Senior | University of California San Diego La Jolla, CA |
Wineburgh-Freed, Maggie | Distinguished | Los Angeles, CA |
Yeh, Elizabeth | Distinguished | Mission Viejo, CA |
Zeblisky, Kathy A. |
Distinguished |
Phoenix Children's Hospital |
Marsha Kmec
Health Sciences Librarian
Mission Hospital
27700 Medical Center Road
MOB Suite 122
Mission Viejo, CA 92691
Marsha dot Kmec at stjoe dot orgNN/LM PSR ADVISORY COMMITTEE REP
Irene Lovas
Health Sciences Library
Olive View/UCLA Medical Center
14445 Olive View Dr.
Sylmar, CA, 91342
ilovas at sbcglobal dot net
Additional Important Contact Information
MLA Credentialing Committee Liaison (AHIP)
Kathy Zeblisky
Phoenix Children's Hospital
1919 E Thomas Rd,
Phoenix, AZ 85016
P 602 933-4248
F 602 933-4249
kzeblisky at phoenixchildrens dot comQuint Meeting Chair
Rebecca (Becky) Birr
Health Sciences Library
Maricopa Integrated Health System
2601 E. Roosevelt St.
Phoenix, AZ 85008
602-344-5197 v
602-344-1944 f
rebecca dot birr at mihs dot orgMLGSCA Mailbox
Steve Clancy
Medical Librarian Science Library
UC Irvine
Irvine, CA
949-824-7309 v
sclancy at uci dot eduInternal Auditor
Deborah Klein
dklein14 at verizon dot netFinancial Advisor
Heidi White
Vavrinek, Trine, Day and Co., LLP
8270 Aspen Street
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
909-466-4410 v
909-466-4431 f
AHIP First-Time Applicant Award
To encourage members of the MLGSCA Chapter to apply for membership in the Academy of Health Information Professionals (AHIP).
Participant will be reimbursed for the AHIP application fee ($200 Academy Member level or above, or $135 Provisional member level).
- Current member of MLGSCA Chapter and of MLA (National) as of AHIP application.
- First time applicant for AHIP membership at any level.
- Completed AHIP documentation and payment submitted to the Medical Library Association and AHIP membership successfully awarded.
- One award covering the application fee for AHIP membership will be available to MLGSCA members.
- AHIP membership must have been awarded within the past 12 months of the application deadline. Applications must be received by July 31.
Application Process:
Submit the following via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Awards Committee Chair.
Preferably as one PDF:
- Letter of Application stating briefly why you are applying for AHIP membership and how it will assist your professional goals.
- Copy of their letter of acceptance into the Academy of Health Information Professionals.
- Proof of payment to MLA - AHIP
- Proof of MLA membership
- Proof of MLGSCA membership
Award winners are only eligible to win the award once.
The Awardee will be determined by a random drawing of all applications received that meet all the criteria. Each application will be numbered in order as it is received, and an Internet random number generator will be used to select the winning application.
- Applications will be acknowledged upon receipt.
- Award winner will be randomly selected (all applications will be numbered based on the order in which they are received).
- Award recipients will be acknowledged in the MLGSCA blog, social media, and at the Chapter’s Spring Meeting.