Come join us and publically interact with us over at our MLGSCA Facebook group, too!
The MLGSCA Web/Blog Committee is experimenting with Facebook features. If successful, we will fully convert ourselves from the Facebook page to the open Facebook group. If not as successful as we would like, we will consider setting up a closed group or closing either the group or the page. Currently, our Facebook page is at, our Facebook group is at, and Facebook does not seem to have a feature to link them together. So, come join us and publically interact with one another at either of them to show everyone what we are made of and to help us with our Facebook decisions!
Here are the awards, grants, and scholarships available through MLGSCA:
- Lifetime Achievement Award
- Amount: None assigned
- Description: To honor the significant lifetime achievements of an MLGSCA member who has made lasting contributions to the profession of health sciences librarianship beyond the scope of the local chapter.
- Eligibility: Member of MLGSCA for at least 5 years and is a current member ending a distinguished career in health sciences librarianship.
- Louise Darling MLGSCA Achievement Award
- Amount: $500
- Description: To honor significant contributions to health sciences librarianship, as well as to MLGSCA.
- Eligibility: Member of MLGSCA for at least 2 years and current member at time of election.
- MLGSCA Library Staff Excellence Award
- Amount: $250
- Description: To honor an outstanding health sciences library staff memebr and to recognize the critical role and important contribution library make to the development and evolution of modern health sciences libraries and librarianship.
- Eligibility: A staff member in a health sciences library (MLGSCA membership not listed as a criterion)
- Professional Development Award
- Amount: Awards range from $100-500
- Description: To support professional development activities, including attendance at classes, conferences, and meetings.
- Eligibility: Hold a graduate degree in library and information science, be a regular member of MLGSCA, be a practicing medical librarian with at least 2 years of professional experience, and have not received this award in the past 3 years.
- Research Grant Application Information
- Amount: $1,000 has been set aside for the awards program for the July-June fiscal year, with $500 being the maximum amount per award
- Description: To support research that focuses on topics and issues in health sciences librarianship.
- Eligibility: All applicants must hold current membership in MLGSCA. Student members of MLGSCA will be required to identify a practicing medical librarian or library school faculty member as a sponsor for their research project. Sponsors do not have to be members of MLGSCA. In exceptional cases, consideration may be given to outstanding research proposals submitted by individuals who do not meet these eligibility requirements.
- Student Scholarship
- Amount: $1,500
- Description: To provide support during a library student's course of study. The scholarship funds can be used as desired by the recipient.
- Eligibility: A regular or student member of MLGSCA. (A free student membership application may accompany the scholarship application.) Applicant must be enrolled in and actively attending an ALA-accredited master's degree program (e.g., MLS, MIS, MLIS) and be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States or Canada. Past recipients of the scholarship are not eligible to apply.
- AHIP First-Time Applicant Award
- Amount: $135 or $200, depending on membership level
- Description: Reimburses application fee for Academy of Health Information Professionals in order to encourage MLGSCA members to join AHIP.
- Eligibility: Current member of MLGSCA and MLA, first-time applicant for AHIP at any level, and AHIP membership awarded, with documentation submitted and all fees paid to MLA.
Committee Chairs 2022-2023
David Bickford
Angela Murrell
Adele Dobry
Kevin Pardon
Amy Chatfield
Angela Murrell & Antonia Osuna-Garcia
Sunny McGowan & Karen O'Grady
Judy Kraemer
Adele Dobry & Victoria Flores
Ivan Portillo
Adorée Hatton
Other Advisory Council Members
Danielle Linden
David Carson
Adorée Hatton
MLA Credentialing Committee Liaison (AHIP)
Danielle Linden
Janet Crum
Zemirah Hgow
Additional Important Contact Information
MLGSCA Mailbox
Rikke Ogawa
Internal Auditor
Andea Harrow
If you would like to become involved with an MLGSCA Committee or appointed position, please contact MLGSCA via the Contact Us form.
Listed below are appointed positions and committees and chairs for 2023/2024:
Collects and maintains records of the chapter including significant reports and documents, all annual reports, and any important papers generated during the year.
Current appointee: Danielle Linden
Awards Committee
Develops standards and guidelines for the following awards: 1) MLA Scholarship Donation; 2) Louise Darling Award; 3) MLGSCA Student Scholarships; 4) MLGSCA Professional Development Award(s); 5) Outstanding Paraprofessional of the Year; 6) Paraprofessional Career Development Award and 7) MLGSCA Lifetime Achievement Award
Chair: David Bickford
Continuing Education/Program Committee
Plans all MLGSCA programs and continuing education courses presented other than at the Joint Meeting
Chair: Angela Murrell
Exchange Committee
Facilitates the sharing of duplicate and excess journal issues
Chair: Adele Dobry
Finance Committee
Responsible for the control and general supervision of the financial affairs of the MLGSCA
Chair: Kevin Pardon
Governmental Relations/Bylaws Committee
Monitors & informs members of legislation & the actions of governmental agencies related to health science libraries, maintains the MLGSCA bylaws.
Chair: Amy Chatfield
Internal Auditor
Develops standards and guidelines for the following awards: 1) MLA Scholarship Donation; 2) Louise Darling Award; 3) MLGSCA Student Scholarships; 4) MLGSCA Professional Development Award(s); 5) Outstanding Paraprofessional of the Year; 6) Paraprofessional Career Development Award and 7) MLGSCA Lifetime Achievement Award
Current appointee: Andrea Harrow
Joint Meeting Planning Committee
Coordinates the planning for the MLGSCA & NCNMLG Joint Meeting when MLGSCA hosts every other year.
Chair: Angela Murrell & Antonia Osuna-Garcia
Membership Committee
Collects and maintains all information relating to MLGSCA membership
Co-Chairs: Sunny McGowan & Karen O'Grady
NNLM Region 4 Liaison (includes Arizona)
Current appointee: Janet Crum
NNLM Region 5 Liaison (includes California)
Current appointee: Zemirah Ngow
Nominating Committee (elected)
There shall be a Nominating Committee of five members. The Committee members shall be elected by plurality vote of the Group members present and voting at the group's last (usually spring) business meeting. The Committee shall elect a Chair by majority vote of its members.
Chair: Judy Kraemer
Assists in the drafting and interpretation of bylaws and rules of order, and the planning and conduct of meetings. A Parliamentarian may be appointed by the Chapter President to serve a term concurrent with that of the Chapter President and may be reappointed to serve additional terms.
Current appointee: David Carson
Research Committee
Encourages and facilitates research activities within the Chapter, provides research resources, and administers the annual Research Awards program
Chair: Ivan Portillo
Professional Issues Committee
Provides a forum for the discussion and resolution of professional issues of concern to the membership including the current and future needs of members, the profession, and the profession’s clientele.
Chair: Adele Dobry & Victoria Flores
SCELC Respresentative
Current appointee: open
Web/Blog/Connections Committee
Consists of Webmaster, Assistant Webmaster, and "lay" members, responsible for MLGSCA Web site, including dynamic updating of the membership directory, usability studies, etc. Also responsible for updating blog and social media accounts. Now combined with Connections Committee: Responsible for email discussion list, tasks related to the chapter presence on social networking sites, AC and chapter-wide wiki issues, possible establishment of web conferencing, and other ways MLGSCA might connect with members and other organizations
Chair: Adorée Hatton
Webmaster:Adorée Hatton