Elected Officers

President: Kelli Hines

President-Elect: Elisa Cortez

Past President: Caroline Marshall

Secretary: Hannah Schilperoot

Treasurer: Jennifer Dinalo

MLA Chapter Council Rep: Judy Kraemer

MLA Chapter Council Rep Alternative: Bethany Myers

Nominating Committee: Caroline Marshall, Chair, Andrea Harrow, Sally Harvey



Awards: Laura Stubblefield

CE/Program: Elisa Cortez

Connections: Now combined with Web/blog committee

Exchange: Adele Dobry

Finance: Robin Schiff

Government Relations/Bylaws: Carrie Grinstead

Membership: Danielle Linden

Professional Issues: Robin Schiff & Jan Kuebel-Hernandez (co-chairs

Research: Janene Wandersee

Web/Blog/Connections: David Bickford

Webmaster: Angela Murrell



Events and classes